英语人>网络解释>both 相关的网络解释
与 both 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

in the wake of the scandal:由于此项丑闻

Tian Wenhua was fired from her posts 田文华被解职 | in the wake of the scandal 由于此项丑闻 | Both were fed the Sanlu formula 两者都是吃了三鹿食品

Great.Just in time for brunch:太好了 正赶上早午餐会

Yes, I would love to do both, but food first, because I'm starving.|好 两样都要 但先吃吧 我饿死了 | Great.Just in time for brunch.|太好了 正赶上早午餐会 | Mom.|妈

The army returned in triumph:大军凯旋归来

A desolate scene presented on both sides of the street.^大街上一片萧条的景象. | The army returned in triumph.^大军凯旋归来. | Great waves dashed against the cliffs.^大浪冲刷着峭壁.

Here sounds an inaudible will...of Love:这里响彻着对爱无声的向往

never flinch from facing the state of the flux 面对不可预测的现实从未退... | Here sounds an inaudible will...of Love这里响彻着对爱无声的向往 | now, Both of the black and the white 如今,无论是秽暗还是圣...

Suppose we incase your oxycodone:假如我们增加给你的氧可酮

Again?|又调整? | Suppose we incase your oxycodone.|假如我们增加给你的氧可酮 | We both know the only reason i'm talking lucidly now|你我都知道之所以我现在还能 清醒地和你说话

Yes, indeed:是的 原来如此

and I promised to have lunch with both of them today. 我答应今天和他们共进午餐. | Yes, indeed. 是的,原来如此. | What are you going to do about your appointment 那该怎么办

postpone indefinitely:无限制地拖下去

恢复行使主权resume the exercise of sovereignty | 无限制地拖下去postpone indefinitely | 两岸同胞compatriots on both sides of the TaiWan Straits

Psychology Introduction:心理学概论

"00708","全球化与两岸经贸专题","Globalization and both banks economics and trade topic" | "00709","心理学概论","Psychology Introduction" | "00710","传播与社会","Communication and Society"

Has the, uh-- has the judean shipment arrived yet:犹太人的船到了吗

- for the both of us. - ( scoffs )|我不知道该怎么形容 | Has the, uh-- has the judean shipment arrived yet?|犹太人的船到了吗? | You needn't worry about them. they don't understand|不用担心 我们说的

jumbled graveyards of books:杂乱不堪的书籍

appeal to both refined and popular tasts雅俗共赏 | jumbled graveyards of books杂乱不堪的书籍 | adequate words确切字眼

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Both Sides Now
Both Hands
Both Sides Now
Both Sides Now
Both Sides Now
Both Feet In The Water
Both Of Us
Both Sides Of The Gun
Both Of Us
Both Sides Are Even

normal sequence of operation:正常动作程序

normal sensitivity 標準感度 | normal sequence of operation 正常动作程序 | normal sequence space 正规序列空间

calendar month:月的样式

.calendar-year - 年的样式. | .calendar-month - 月的样式. | .calendar-weekday-cell - 星期的样式.


lather /肥皂泡/ | lathery /肥皂泡的/充满泡沫的/ | lathhouse /板条房屋/