英语人>网络解释>both 相关的网络解释
与 both 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

have it both ways:见风使舵

have iron nerves 神经坚强 | have it both ways 见风使舵 | have it in for 厌恶

have it both ways:脚踩两只船

go out of one's way尽力 | have it both ways脚踩两只船 | mend one's ways改邪归正

You cannot have it both ways:你不可能两面讨好

You cannot catch old birds with chaff.你无法用谷壳捕到老鸟;姜是老... | You cannot have it both ways. 你不可能两面讨好. | You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs.要做蛋卷就得打破鸡蛋;天下没有白...

You cannot have it both ways:你不能同时走两条路

You cannot get blood out of a stone.石头是挤不出血来的. | You cannot have it both ways. 你不能同时走两条路. | You cannot judge a tree by its bark.不可根据树皮来评定树木. /人不可貌相.

Can't have it both ways:不能兼而有之

A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮了别人, 毁灭了自己. | Can't have it both ways 不能兼而有之 | cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear 母猪耳朵做不出丝钱袋

You can't have it both ways:你不可能两头都占着

97.Over my dead body!除非我死了! | 98.You can't have it both ways. 你不可能两头都占着. | 99.I'm all ears!洗耳恭听!

You can't have it both ways, guys:这互相矛盾啊

Hastings was facing McCall, and McCall shot him in the back?|哈斯廷斯面对着马考尔 而马考尔却是从... | You can't have it both ways, guys.|这互相矛盾啊 | A judge will laugh me out of court.|我这么说法官还...

I'll hold you any wager, when we are both accoutred like young men:我敢跟你打赌,当 我们同时装扮成男子

but in such a habit that they shall think we are accompli... | I'll hold you any wager, when we are both accoutred like young men,|我敢跟你打赌,当 我们同时装扮成男子 | I'll prove the prettier fellow of...

The incident astounds both China and foreign countries:这个事件震惊中外

3. The eruption of a volcano is spontaneous.火山爆发是自发的.... | 4. The incident astounds both China and foreign countries.这个事件震惊中外. | 5. He is eligible for a surgeon. 他是一个合格的外科医生...

We both auditioned for the part:我们都去应徵那个角色

... homosexually.|演成同性恋 | We both auditioned for the part...|我们都去应徵那个角色 | ...and as it turned out...|结果是...

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Both Sides Now
Both Hands
Both Sides Now
Both Sides Now
Both Sides Now
Both Feet In The Water
Both Of Us
Both Sides Of The Gun
Both Of Us
Both Sides Are Even


脊椎动物亚门(Vertebrata)硬骨鱼纲(Osteichthyes)所有种类之通称,包括现存鱼类的绝大部分,几乎包括世界所有供垂钓的鱼种与经济鱼种在内. 科学术语Pisces亦指此而言. 硬骨鱼纲指除了盲鳗、七鳃鳗等无腭纲(Agnatha)及鲨、鳐、魟等软骨鱼纲(Chondrichthyes)外,

snap lock:弹簧锁

至今,宜家已经接到11起弹簧锁(snap lock)损坏的投诉,当中一名孩童受伤,另一名孩童几乎受伤. 受伤的孩子事发生时正坐在高椅上,弹簧锁突然损坏,导致他连人带椅穿框跌落在地,双腿瘀伤. 另一名孩童被发现嘴里含有松脱的弹簧锁,险些就被噎着.

a bad break:失言 丢人 倒霉, 不幸

break through: 突破,冲破;取得突破性的成就. | a bad break失言; 丢人; 倒霉, 不幸 | a good break好机会; 好运气