英语人>网络解释>both 相关的网络解释
与 both 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

elding by both sides:双面焊

weldability 可焊性 | elding by both sides 双面焊 | welding condition 焊接条件

confuses both eyes the enticement,only can let change wrong bitter and astringent:迷惑双眼的诱惑,只能让错变的更加苦涩

不要碰我,错就是错don't touch me ,mista... | 迷惑双眼的诱惑,只能让错变的更加苦涩confuses both eyes the enticement,only can let change wrong bitter and astringent , | 不要碰我,不想再说什么don;'t touch me...

Featuring fine art images on both the back and face of the card:具有美术图像上都回和面对卡

Liven up your next game of hearts, cribbage or poker with these unique play... | Featuring fine art images on both the back and face of the card具有美术图像上都回和面对卡 | Featuring the work of Claude...

Faintness or approach of your face both make me excited:你的脸是模糊是靠近全都叫我欣喜

这感觉太清晰 This feeling is too clear. | 你的脸是模糊是靠近全都叫我欣喜 Faintness or approach of your face both make me excited. | 好想你 Miss you so much.

Callisto and Ganymede both have crusts of ancient ice and rock:木卫四跟木卫三 都有年代久远的冰层及岩层

And these are bizarre moons, the largest of Jupiter's 6... | Callisto and Ganymede both have crusts of ancient ice and rock|木卫四跟木卫三 都有年代久远的冰层及岩层 | that may hide oceans miles below th...

The both ofyou! Get out of my sight:你们俩!给我消失

- You're under arrest. - What?|你被捕了 什么? | The both ofyou! Get out of my sight!|你们俩!给我消失! | Take their guns. Lock them in their quarters. Move.|收缴他们的枪 把他们锁在他们的船舱里

The same transaction may give rise to both a civil and a criminal action:同一活动可能导致民事和刑事诉讼

The rules must not be constantly changing... | The same transaction may give rise to both a civil and a criminal action.|同一活动可能导致民事和刑事诉讼. | The spoken word flies;the written word remai...

Lonely Runs Both Ways like a Gold Digger:孤独的运行方式都像一个黄金挖掘机

Push the Button with No Direction Home 推的按钮,没有方向的家 | Lonely Runs Both Ways like a Gold Digger 孤独的运行方式都像一个黄金挖掘机 | Beyond the Sound Barrier 除了音障

Lonely Runs Both Ways like a Gold Digger:孤独的同时执行的招数,就像一位黄金挖掘机

Push the Button with No Direction Home 按钮与没有方向的家 | Lonely Runs Both Ways like a Gold Digger 孤独的同时执行的招数,就像一位黄金挖掘机 | Beyond the Sound Barrier 除了音障

BOTH: Grab the rope:抓住绳子

Say "grab the rope."|说"抓住绳子" | BOTH: Grab the rope!|抓住绳子! | MUTT: Hold tight. It's slimy.|抓紧,很滑

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Both Sides Now
Both Hands
Both Sides Now
Both Sides Now
Both Sides Now
Both Feet In The Water
Both Of Us
Both Sides Of The Gun
Both Of Us
Both Sides Are Even


脊椎动物亚门(Vertebrata)硬骨鱼纲(Osteichthyes)所有种类之通称,包括现存鱼类的绝大部分,几乎包括世界所有供垂钓的鱼种与经济鱼种在内. 科学术语Pisces亦指此而言. 硬骨鱼纲指除了盲鳗、七鳃鳗等无腭纲(Agnatha)及鲨、鳐、魟等软骨鱼纲(Chondrichthyes)外,

snap lock:弹簧锁

至今,宜家已经接到11起弹簧锁(snap lock)损坏的投诉,当中一名孩童受伤,另一名孩童几乎受伤. 受伤的孩子事发生时正坐在高椅上,弹簧锁突然损坏,导致他连人带椅穿框跌落在地,双腿瘀伤. 另一名孩童被发现嘴里含有松脱的弹簧锁,险些就被噎着.

a bad break:失言 丢人 倒霉, 不幸

break through: 突破,冲破;取得突破性的成就. | a bad break失言; 丢人; 倒霉, 不幸 | a good break好机会; 好运气