英语人>网络解释>booger 相关的网络解释

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与 booger 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


342. Recycled Paper 再生纸 | 343. Booger 干燥的鼻粘液 | 344. Steam 蒸汽


52 Bones 骨头 | 53 Booger 干鼻涕 | 54 Bouillabaisse 普罗旺斯鱼汤(马赛鱼汤、法式海龙王汤)


pine cone松果 | booger鼻屎 | What do you in the post office?你會去郵局做什麼?

Bad booger:坏蛋鼻屎

But what do you have to say about this?|那这个你又怎么解释? | Bad booger.|坏蛋鼻屎 | Hey.|嘿

My booger:我的鼻屎

What is that thing?|那是什么? | My booger.|我的鼻屎 | STACEY: You pulled that out of your nose? NOSE: Uh...|-你把它从鼻子里抠出来的? -哦...

Booger 108:日5小时

18 Orion 108日8小时 | 19 Booger 108日5小时 | 20 Furry 108日4小时

Alien Booger:奇异之旅

"Terrace Twister" - 露台旋风 | Alien Booger - 奇异之旅 | Hunk - 大块头

Death by booger:死于鼻涕块

Uhh... no. I think it's coagulated nasal mucus.|噢... 不 我认为是鼻涕结块引起的 | Death by booger.|死于鼻涕块 | Sorry man, I didn't see you there.|抱歉哥们,没注意你在这儿

and "butterfingers" and "booger breath:还有"笨手笨脚的人" 还有"鼻涕虫

but today, everyone that beat me up called me "puke face"|但今天所有揍我... | and "butterfingers" and "booger breath."|还有"笨手笨脚的人" 还有"鼻涕虫" | Nice to see that they're branching out.|见到他们...

Furry 108:日4小时

19 Booger 108日5小时 | 20 Furry 108日4小时 | 21 Mikey 108日0小时

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You're My Baby (Little Woolly Booger)
Kenny's Booger Story
Ronnie's Booger Story

ilm industry:电影工业

ilm industry 电影工业 | cinematograph 电影摄影机, 电影放映机 | cinema, pictures 电影院 (美作:movie theater)

Altica sp:跳甲

吉丁甲科 Buprestidae 菱斑瘦吉丁 Agrilus discalis | 跳甲 Altica sp. | 油菜凹胫跳甲 Psylltodes punctifrons

Goodman, Nelson:古德曼

龚德森 Gunderson,K. | 古德曼 Goodman, Nelson | 哈尔, Hare,R.M.