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boat race相关的网络解释

查询词典 boat race

与 boat race 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

boat race:赛艇

在牛津和剑桥的赛艇队进行"赛艇"(Boat Race)的时候为他们加油吧,这是一项有着非常重要的历史意义的活动. 84. 在世界上最古老的肖像画廊--英国"国家肖像画廊"(National Portrait Gallery)免费参观世界上最大的肖像展. 87.

boat race:赛艇比赛

benchwarmer n. 替补队员 | boat race: 赛艇比赛 | bowling n. 保龄球

boat race:划船比赛

race n. 比赛;赛跑;赛马 | boat race 划船比赛 | grey adj. 灰色的;阴暗的

boat race:赛船

boat drill 救生演习 | boat race 赛船 | boat the oars 停止划船

The Boat Race:划船比赛

26.Fever发烧 | 27.The Boat Race划船比赛 | 28.The Race比赛

80.Dragon Boat race:80 赛龙舟

79 梦到...... 79.dream about | 80 赛龙舟 80.Dragon Boat race | 81 复活节彩蛋 81.Easter chocolate eggs

watch the Dragon Boat Race:观看龙舟比赛

20. look like a tiger 看起来象只老虎 | 22. watch the Dragon Boat Race 观看龙舟比赛 | 23. rice dumplings 粽子

have a dragon boat race:龙舟赛

2 吃粽子 eat rice dumplings | 3 龙舟赛 have a dragon boat race | 4 了解一些有关于... 的事情 know something about...

Dragon boat race Copyright: Sohail Nomani:阿拉伯聯合大公國

Serbia 塞爾維亞 Copyright: jozef kozan | Dragon boat race Copyright: Sohail Nomani 阿拉伯聯合大公國 United Arab Emirates | Relojero Cuba 古巴 , Copyright: Michel Patenaude

Dragon Boat Race on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar:龙舟赛

传统戏曲和杂技 traditional operas and acrobatics | 龙舟赛 Dragon Boat Race on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar | 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival

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reliability reassignment:可靠性再分配

reliability program for system 系统可靠性规划 | reliability reassignment 可靠性再分配 | reliability report 可靠性报告

Lots and lots of gum-gum:(很多很多的糖糖)

Yes, I did, fathead.(是的,傻瓜) | Lots and lots of gum-gum.(很多很多的糖糖) | 轉載至奇摩知識+的MAC


multiple-order 多级 | multiple-orificevalve 多孔板阀 | multiple-pass 多程