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与 blue-green 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Blue-eared Kingfisher Alcedo meninting:蓝耳翠鸟

414 3346 普通翠鸟 Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis | 415 3349 蓝耳翠鸟 Blue-eared Kingfisher Alcedo meninting | 416 3352 蓝带翠鸟 Blue-banded Kingfisher Alcedo euryzona

Alcedo meninting Blue-eared Kingfisher:蓝耳翠鸟

闪蓝翠鸟 Alcedo quadribrachys Shining-blue Kingfisher | 蓝耳翠鸟 Alcedo meninting Blue-eared Kingfisher | 蓝翠鸟 Alcedo azurea Azure kingfisher

roral blue:黄蓝

royal blue 宝蓝 | roral blue 黄蓝 | skyblue 天蓝色

Threne blue:还原天蓝

Threne blue powder 还原蓝粉 | Threne blue 还原天蓝 | Threne brilliant pink 还原桃红

Threne blue powder:还原蓝粉

three-wire white base flat switch 三线白底平开关 | Threne blue powder 还原蓝粉 | Threne blue 还原天蓝

trypan blue:锥虫蓝

荧光显微镜下和光镜下分别计算绿色荧光阳性细胞数和总细胞数. 0.4%锥虫蓝(trypan blue)染色,计数电转染后细胞存活率. 于电穿孔后,0.4%锥虫蓝(trypan blue)染色,计数电转染后细胞存活率.

Devil in a Blue Dress:蓝魔鬼

但暂不蓝衣魔鬼/蓝魔鬼(Devil in a Blue Dress)下载. 建优质网站,拒绝违法色情信息. 所有资源收集于网络,仅做宽带测试,如侵害您的权益请及时联系我们. 本站不具有有关蓝衣魔鬼/蓝魔鬼(Devil in a Blue Dress)的所有版权,相关版权归原著作权人所有!

blue-blooded:贵族的, 系出名门的, 纯种的

black art 妖术, 魔法 | blue-blooded 贵族的, 系出名门的, 纯种的 | blue-collar 蓝领阶级的, 工人阶级的


(41)white elephant指任何昂贵而不易保存之物 | (42)blue blooded贵族 | (43)blue jacket 水手;水兵

sail in thi blue:在碧蓝的大海里航行

出人意料地 out of the blue | 在碧蓝的大海里航行 sail in thi blue | 亮蓝色的 sapphire

第52/100页 首页 < ... 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ... > 尾页
Blue Blue Day
Blue Eyes Blue
Blue On Blue
Blue Of Blue
Blue Eyes Blue
Blue, Blue Day
Blue Flower / Blue Flame
Blue Blue Ocean
Blue Morning, Blue Day
Blue Would Still Be Blue


unrounded 非圆唇的 | unruffled 不混乱的 | unruffled 不骚动的

take the size of:量...啲大小(尺寸)

单程票 single ticket | 量...啲大小(尺寸) take the size of | 偷偷塞给某人一张纸条 slip a note into one's hand

Regional conventions:区域*公约

危险废物运输的事先通告 Prior notification for hazardous waste transport | 区域*公约 Regional conventions | 技术转让 Technology transfer