英语人>网络解释>blew 相关的网络解释
与 blew 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Worst of all, you blew off Lilly:最可恨的是,你居然放莉莉的鸽子

Two moving violations and a collision? Was that part of the plan?|两次行... | Worst of all, you blew off Lilly.|最可恨的是,你居然放莉莉的鸽子 | She's been wanting to show you something she made for you....

Heavy words that tosed and blew me:紛沓襲來的苛責叱罵

And oh, when I'm old and wise 喔,當我老而睿智 | Heavy words that tosed and blew me 紛沓襲來的苛責叱罵 | Like autumn winds will blow right through me 就像秋風吹竄而過

A wind blew out of a cloud by night:夜里一阵冷风从云中吹落

In this kingdom by the sea, 在大海边的王国里, | A wind blew out of a cloud by night 夜里一阵冷风从云中吹落, | Chilling my Annabel Lee; 冻僵了我的安娜贝李;

A wind blew out of a cloud by night:夜空中一阵寒风起,冻坏了

在这海边王国里, In this kingdom by the sea, | 夜空中一阵寒风起,冻坏了 A wind blew out of a cloud by night | 我的安娜贝尔.李. Chilling my Annabel Lee;

A wind blew out of a cloud by night:從 雲 端 刮 起 一 陣 風

In this kingdom by the sea, 在 海 濱 的 這 個 王 國 裡, | A wind blew out of a cloud by night 從 雲 端 刮 起 一 陣 風, | So that her highborn kinsman came 她 的 高 貴 的 親 屬

A wind blew out of a cloud by night:一阵夜风从云端吹来

In this kingdom by the sea, 在这个临海的王国里 | A wind blew out of a cloud by night 一阵夜风从云端吹来, | Chilling my beautiful Annabel Lee 冻坏了我美丽的安娜贝尔.李

A wind blew out of a cloud by night chilling my Annabel Lee:夜把风从云里鼓吹出来,冷却了我的李娜宝

In this kingdom by the sea, 在这个海边王国... | A wind blew out of a cloud by night chilling my Annabel Lee; 夜把风从云里鼓吹出来,冷却了我的李娜宝; | So that her highborn kinsman came 她高贵的男性亲戚就...

A wind blew out of a cloud by night chilling my Annabel Lee:夜里一阵寒风从白云端吹起,冻僵了我的安娜贝尔.李

In this kingdom by the sea, 在这个滨海... | A wind blew out of a cloud by night chilling my Annabel Lee; 夜里一阵寒风从白云端吹起,冻僵了我的安娜贝尔.李; | So that her highborn kinsman came 于是她那些高贵...

What about when you blew a six-week operation...because you were busy getting a blow-job:那次为满足你的性欲,把任务搞砸,你怎么说

I'm as clean as a preacher's sheets. I'm as c... | What about when you blew a six-week operation...because you were busy getting a blow-job?|那次为满足你的性欲,把任务搞砸,你怎么说? | You knew about tha...

Ben blew big beautiful bubbles,and Bart bought bright black backpacks:阿班吹漂亮的大泡泡,巴特买亮亮的黑背包

7.Benjiamin,the brave butcher's bike... | 8.Ben blew big beautiful bubbles,and Bart bought bright black backpacks.阿班吹漂亮的大泡泡,巴特买亮亮的黑背包. | 9.Bring books,boots,brooms and brushes on the...

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Blew It Again
Blew My High
You Blew It
The Wind Blew Cold
I Blew A Fuse In My Personality
Blew Up (The House)
Blew Me Away
Blew Away

front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

"准星","front sight" | "前方除渣(熔铁炉)","front slagging" | "前弹簧","front spring"

make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

85.see to照料、注意; | 86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声; | 87.stare at凝视;

derivative equaliser:孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟

aperture corrector with delay line 带有延迟线的... | aperture equaliser, derivative equaliser, group delay equaliser, delay 孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟 | apparatus electric circuit 电子篱笆;...