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与 between 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is a vast difference between failure and temporary defeat:失败和暂时被打败有极大的区别

Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise. 最黑... | There is a vast difference between failure and temporary defeat. 失败和暂时被打败有极大的区别. | Do not cast pearls before swine. 不要...

act as go-between:穿针引线

穿小鞋make it hot for; make trouble for | 穿针引线act as go-between | 创建卫生城市build an advanced clean city

act as go-between:作为中间人

act as chairman 当主席 | act as go-between 作为中间人 | act as guide 做向导

eingeklebte Folie film adhesively bonded between the sheets:粘入的薄膜

eingeformte Spanleitstufe chip breaker groove 造型的排屑槽 | eingeklebte Folie film adhesively bonded between the sheets 粘入的薄膜 | eingeschliffen ground fit 磨合的

angle between chord and tangent:弦和切线的角

angle at center 圆心角 | angle between chord and tangent 弦和切线的角 | angle function 角函数

angle of deviation between two EMF:两电动势间相角差

交流电机内角internal angle of an alternator4.246 | 两电动势间相角差angle of deviation between two EMF4.247 | 摇摆曲线swing curve4.248

Angular distance between stars:星间角距

角接触球轴承:angular contact ball bearing | 星间角距:Angular distance between stars | 角度传感特性:angular sensing property

the interrelations between the sup:市场股票的供求关系

公司的赢利能力 the capacity of the company to earn prof... | 市场资金的供求关系 the interrelations between the supply and demand of shares on the... | 市场股票的供求关系 the interrelations between the sup

the interrelations between the supply and demand of shares on the market:市场资金的供求关系

公司的赢利能力 the capacity of the compa... | 市场资金的供求关系 the interrelations between the supply and demand of shares on the market | 市场股票的供求关系 the interrelations between the supply and ...

the interrelations between the supply and demand of shares on the market:市场股票的供求关系

市场资金的供求关系 the interrelations between the supply and demand ... | 市场股票的供求关系 the interrelations between the supply and demand of shares on the market | 7 股票投资原则 Principles of stoc...

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Read Between The Lines
Between Us
Between Love And Fire
Between Your Mama And Yourself
Somewhere Between Waking And Sleeping
Just Between The Lines
Between The Two Of Them
Between The Devil And Me
Between The Sheets
Between High School & Old School

weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory