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与 before 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was really challenge to speak before so lare an audience:(给那么多的人讲话对我来说的确是个挑战. )

B:I'm glad you think so.(你这么认为我很高兴. ) | It was really challenge to speak before so lare an audience.(给那么多的人讲话对我来说的确是个挑战. ) | A:But you made it!(可你讲得很不错. )

Leg Before Leg:一步一步走

44.Kitty-Cat and Queen 小猫和皇后 | 45.Leg Before Leg 一步一步走 | 46.A Little Old Man of Derby 得比城来的小老头

even before your leg got messed up:你也不是一个容易被逗乐的人

I'm guessing that you weren't exactly Mr. Sunshine...|我猜就算在你的腿还没坏的时候... | even before your leg got messed up.|你也不是一个容易被逗乐的人. | I want you to have this.|我想让你拿着这个.

What was he like before his leg:在他的腿这样以前他是怎样的人

Five years. What would you like to know?|5年 你要知道什么? | What was he like before his leg?|在他的腿这样以前他是怎样的人? | Pretty much the same.|差不多一样

We have three days, at best before the helium leaks out of those ba loons:我们最多有三天时间 不然气球里的氦气就漏光了

- with no rap music orflashdancing - Uh... | We have three days, at best before the helium leaks out of those ba loons|我们最多有三天时间 不然气球里的氦气就漏光了 | And if were not at the falls when th...

They set two lurchers... They're dogs, before you ask:在你问之前,他们带了两只猎狗

Hare coursing.|猎兔子 | They set two lurchers... They're dogs, before you ask.|在你问之前,他们带了两只猎狗 | On a hare.|去捉兔子

people become so mesmerised by the blossom in the period before it falls:人们对花落前的时间异常着迷

Why is it that ... 为什么 ... | .. people become so mesmerised by the blossom in the period before it falls? ...人们对花落前的时间异常着迷? | I really don't understand that. 我真不明白.

Filters particles down to 5 microns before reaching the inner filter:过滤器颗粒下跌至5微米,才到达内蒙古滤波器

Easy, tool-free installation for quick replacement容易,免工具免费安装快速... | Filters particles down to 5 microns before reaching the inner filter过滤器颗粒下跌至5微米,才到达内蒙古滤波器 | 2-pack 2 -包

crashing Indian bar mitzvahs two|weeks before my wedding with a man:过两周就要结婚了|还跑去参加印度成人礼

What am I doing? Running around|Queens in th... | ...crashing Indian bar mitzvahs two|weeks before my wedding with a man.|过两周就要结婚了|还跑去参加印度成人礼 | - who's technically my husband.|- Beats...

Don't put cart before the horse:不要本末倒置

Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today --->今日事,今日毕. | Don't put cart before the horse --->不要本末倒置. | Don't trouble trouble untile trouble troubles you. --->不要自找麻烦.

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Like I Never Felt Before
The Day Before You Came
Before The Rollie
Before The Night Is Over
A Kiss Before I Go
Before I Tell Them
The Disco Before The Breakdown
I Want To Know You Before We Make Love
The Night Before Christmas
Never Loved Before

mine-run coal:原煤

"mine resistance","通风阻力 ; 矿阻" | "mine-run coal","原煤" | "mine salting","矿石渗杂"

PA: Pennsylvania:美国宾夕法尼亚州州名

ancestry 祖先(集合称), 家系, 血统 | Pa. Pennsylvania 美国宾夕法尼亚州州名 | booster locomotive 辅助机车

corrugate steel fibers:卷曲钢纤维

corrosion inhibiting, , admixture 防锈掺会料 | corrugate steel fibers 卷曲钢纤维 | corrugated aluminium 波状铝板