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与 before 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a.c.-before meals:饭前服用

p.o. orally 口服 | a.c before meals 饭前服用 | p.c. after meals 饭后服用

Why I should report to her everyday before mealtime:为什么要向她报告饮食

因为她的下辈子只能依靠一颗包容的心 Because I'm the only kind ma... | 为什么要向她报告饮食? Why I should report to her everyday before mealtime? | 因为她比我更关心我的健康 Because she was rather concern...

I stopped before the megalith by the river:我停在了河边的巨石旁

Feeling relaxed and cozy, not a bit freeze 感觉轻松又闲适,一点... | I stopped before the megalith by the river 我停在了河边的巨石旁 | Which reflected the moon as a round piece of silver 河面映着一片圆银...

more than ever before:比以往任何时候更

31.be prepared for... 为......准备 | 32.more than ever before 比以往任何时候更...... | 33.be over-confident of... 对......过分自信

Before I murk your man:不然我就干掉你男人

Show me your titties.|给我看你的咪咪 | Before I murk your man.|不然我就干掉你男人 | For goodness' sake, just show him the titties!|看在上帝的份儿上 给他看吧

He was already a neuropath before the war:战前,他的精神就有问题

Balls!|没定力性了! | He was already a neuropath before the war.|战前,他的精神就有问题. | Do you know what Ferdi told me yesterday?|你知道昨天费尔迪怎么对我说的吗?

never before:史无前例

never again 下不为例 | never before 史无前例 | Never do things by halves. 不要半途而毁.

never before:以前从未曾有过

460naturallyad. 自然地 | 461never before以前从未曾有过 | 462New Yorkn.纽约

Like never before:像以前从来没有过的

We might live 我们或许可以一起生活 | Like never before 像以前从来没有过的 | There's nothing to give 那里是什么也不能给

I knew you never before:我知道你无法像从前

You wake up where's the tomb... 你在哪座坟墓中醒来 | "I knew you never before 我知道你无法像从前 | I see you never more 我知道你已离去

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Like I Never Felt Before
The Day Before You Came
Before The Rollie
Before The Night Is Over
A Kiss Before I Go
Before I Tell Them
The Disco Before The Breakdown
I Want To Know You Before We Make Love
The Night Before Christmas
Never Loved Before

Res Judicata:已决事件

[5] 也不能排除下级法院-尤其是州法院-决定立法的合宪性问题,而该案未被带到最高法院,且最高法院在另一个案例中审查同样的立法时以相反的方式决定问题. 然后,已决事件(res judicata)原则使得其它法院不可能根据最高法院的决定来调整其先前决定.

observe the proprieties:守礼节; 依照社交惯例

a breach of propriety 失礼行为 | observe the proprieties 守礼节; 依照社交惯例 | I doubt the propriety of doing so.我怀疑这样做是否适当.

eleven consciousnesses:十一識

eleven coarse and heavy hindrances 十一种麁重, 十一麁重 | eleven consciousnesses 十一识 | Eleven kinds of emptiness 十一空