英语人>网络解释>be world-weary 相关的网络解释
be world-weary相关的网络解释

查询词典 be world-weary

与 be world-weary 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be incompatible with the present world:与当今社会不相容

arouse vt.唤醒,唤起,鼓励 | be incompatible with the present world 与当今社会不相容 | be out of keeping the times 落伍了

I knew how this would be settled in the animal world:我知道在动物世界里,这种情况如何处理

Regina was dangling Aaron in front of me on purpose.|莉贾娜故意当着我的... | I knew how this would be settled in the animal world.|我知道在动物世界里,这种情况如何处理 | But this was Girl World.|但这是"女...

be on top of the world:如果我是亿万富翁,我要

放假的话,我要...would travel | 如果我是亿万富翁,我要be on top of the world | 如果我是超人,我要save the world

Be out of this world:好极了

Be on the right track to doing sth..沿着正确的道路 | Be out of this world.好极了 | Be a red-letter day for sb. 大日子

Be out of this world:十全十美,极好

be out of the question根本不行 | be out of this world十全十美,极好 | be responsible for对...负责,引起

There was suddenly a sense the world could be ruled by one king:可以由一个国王统治世界,而且统治得更好

...and after him, all was possible.|......在他之后... | There was suddenly a sense the world could be ruled by one king...|可以由一个国王统治世界,而且统治得更好...... | ...and be better for all.|......的...

be more closely linked to the world economy:与世界经济的联系将更加紧密

通货紧缩 deflati... | 与世界经济的联系将更加紧密 be more closely linked to the world economy | 中国巨大的市场潜力将逐步转化为现实的购买力 The huge market potential that China enjoys will be turned into...

be more closely linked to the world economy:与的联系将更加紧密

通货紧缩 deflatio... | 与的联系将更加紧密 be more closely linked to the world economy | 中国巨大的市场潜力将逐步转化为现实的购买力 The huge market potential that China enjoys will be turned into tangib...

be ravished from the world by death:被死亡劫去

be pushing up the daisies 命丧黄泉 | be ravished from the world by death 被死亡劫去 | cross the great divide 跨进了阴曹地府

be ravished from the world by death:被死亡劫去tcg中国英语学习网

be pushing up the daisies 命丧黄泉tcg中国英语学习网 | be ravished from the world by death 被死亡劫去tcg中国英语学习网 | cross the great divide 跨进了阴曹地府tcg中国英语学习网

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This Could Be Anywhere In The World
...And Soon The World Will Cease To Be
There Must Be A Better World Somewhere
It's Hard To Be A Diamond In A Rhine Stone World
Someday, In The Event That Mankind Actually Figures Out What It Is That This World Revolves Around, Thousands Of People Are Going To Be Shocked...
What Kind Of World Would This World Be
The World Could Be Yours
This May Not Be The End Of The World
The World Is Our Playground And We Will Always Be Home


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,