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be used to相关的网络解释

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与 be used to 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Majorek used to be in the army. Brilliant man:梅耶克一直都在军队服役 是个相当出色的男人

I've never heard you play.|但未曾... | Majorek used to be in the army. Brilliant man.|梅耶克一直都在军队服役 是个相当出色的男人 | The only thing I've got against him is he's not a socialist.|我唯一与他...

She used to be a really pretty baby-faced blonde:她以前是个非常漂亮的 娃娃脸的金发美人

You know. Not that you'd know that from those pictures.|不是你在... | She used to be a really pretty baby-faced blonde.|她以前是个非常漂亮的 娃娃脸的金发美人 | You know,the sort men go nuts for.|那种令男...

This orphanage used to be alive with laughter, kids playing:孤儿院曾经充满孩子们玩耍的笑声

I can't look at these kids no more.|我不想再看到这些孩... | This orphanage used to be alive with laughter, kids playing.|孤儿院曾经充满孩子们玩耍的笑声 | Now look at it, it's sickening.|看看现在,病怏怏...

be used as sth:被用来当作

9. used to do sth 过去常常做某事 | 10. be used as sth 被用来当作...... | 11. useful 有用的adj

I used to be:我曾经是

I thought 我原以为........ | I used to be 我曾经是...... | I was supposed to 我本来应该....(但实际上没有那样做)

You used to be:过去的你

晚风中自己轻叹息 quietly sighing in the night wind | 过去的你 You used to be | 是我倾诉痛苦的对象 the one whom I spoke my mind to

I Used to Be One of the World's Biggest Jackasses:我曾经是世界上最大的傻瓜

I Hit Bottom and Survived 我落到了最... | I Used to Be One of the World''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s Biggest Jackasses 我曾经是世界上最大的傻瓜 | I Have Always Tried to

I Used to Be One of the World's Biggest Jackasses:我曾经是世界上最大的傻瓜

I Hit Bottom and Survived 我落到了最低点,却又... | I Used to Be One of the World's Biggest Jackasses 我曾经是世界上最大的傻瓜 | I Have Always Tried to Keep My Line of Supplies Open 我总是设法保持自...

You know, I used to be a purty good whistler:你知道吗 我以前也是蛮风光的

I want to get a look at that sexy hot rod.|我想看看那台性感... | You know, I used to be a purty good whistler.|你知道吗 我以前也是蛮风光的 | I can't do it now, of course, on account of sometimes|当然现在...

This young lady used to be one of our parishioners:这位年轻的女士曾是教区居民之一

I have somebody here I'd like you to meet.|哦,我要向你介绍一位客人 | This young lady used to be one of our parishioners.|这位年轻的女士曾是教区居民之一 | That was odd.|巴里?真囧. . .

第14/42页 首页 < ... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ... > 尾页
My Memory Ain't What It Used To Be
Like It Used To Be
Friendship Isn't What It Used To Be
The Way Things Used To Be
Used To Be
I Used To Be Color Blind
Ain't What It Used To Be
Free Won't Be What it Used to Be
Remember When (Used To Be Used To It)
He'll Never Be...(What I Used to be to You)


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,