英语人>网络解释>be in the wrong 相关的网络解释
be in the wrong相关的网络解释

查询词典 be in the wrong

与 be in the wrong 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

and otherwise:睡东边的话

... because I grew up in California...|...因为我是在加州长大的... | ...and otherwise...|...睡东边的话... | ...the ocean would be on the wrong side.|...海洋的方向就错了

A be friends with:对...友好,与...交上朋友

I make friends 交朋友,友好相处 He made a lot of friends in China | A be friends with 对...友好,与...交上朋友 | I make fun of 取笑,嘲弄 It is wrong to make fun of the disabled.

wrong course of treatment could be his last course of... - I need a neurological:治疗错误 他就没机会了 - 我需要神经性的

if I'm right,the virus is in his brain.|如果... | - wrong course of treatment could be his last course of... - I need a neurological...|- 治疗错误 他就没机会了 - 我需要神经性的... | he kept swallowing.|...

a traffic policeman will soon find it:交通警察很快就会发现

If you park your car in the wrong place, 一旦你把汽车停错... | a traffic policeman will soon find it. 交通警察很快就会发现. | You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. 如果他没给你罚款...

turn out to be wrong:结果是错误的

34.以某种方式 in a way | 35.结果是错误的 turn out to be wrong | 36.科学方法 the scientific method

I will speak against anything I know to be wrong.<FONT face:宋体>我会对所有我认为不对的事情直言不讳. </FONT>

887. As a matter of fact, he was prete... | 888. I will speak against anything I know to be wrong.我会对所有我认为不对的事情直言不讳. | 889. In spite of the heavy rain, she went...

What's wrong with you, man? People could be videotaping:你怎么了,伙计? 可能有人在录像

Get the fuck back in the car!|回到车里去! | What's wrong with you, man? People could be videotaping!|你怎么了,伙计? 可能有人在录像! | Chill out!|冷静点!

There must be something wrong with the engine; it''s making funny noises:引擎一定是出了故障,发出一种奇怪的杂音

67. There is so much noise in this restaurant; I can... | 68. There must be something wrong with the engine; it''s making funny noises.引擎一定是出了故障,发出一种奇怪的杂音. | 69. None of the money is...

let the cries of war be our song:狂啸当歌

谁怕夜长 no fear of this long night we share | 狂啸当歌 let the cries of war be our song | 相知最难忘 no comrade-in-arms shall our memories wrong

why not let the cries of war be our song:狂啸当歌,何妨

滚烫,依旧在胸膛 see thing ,as before, in our hearts so strong | 狂啸当歌,何妨 why not let the cries of war be our song | 惊涛裂岸,不枉 waves that crack the cliffs shall not be wrong

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest