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与 authority 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

de facto recognition:事实上的承认

de facto forces;事实上的部队;DFF; | de facto recognition;事实上的承认; ; | de jure authority;合法当局; ;

exaggerated and deceitful:夸张失实

加剧贫富悬殊 exacerbate the uneven distribution of wealth | 夸张失实 exaggerated and deceitful | 考试局秘书蔡炽昌 Examinations Authority secretary Choi Chee-cheong

Crease a sense of decisiveness:自我判断

?Create a sense of self-control and self-discipline 自我控制 | ?Authority 权威 | ?Crease a sense of decisiveness 自我判断

del credere agent:保付货价代理人;担保还款代理人

del credere 担保还款 | del credere agent 保付货价代理人;担保还款代理人 | delegation of authority 授权

delectable flavour:适口

deleading therapy 除铅疗法 | delectable flavour 适口 | delegation of authority by type of wotk 依工作种类授权

delivered price:交货价格

delegation of authority 授权 | delivered price 交货价格 | delivery note 付货通知书;交运通知;送货单

demographic factor:人口因素

移民部长仍旧有权通过控制"人口因素"(Demographic Factor)来控制"及格线"的高低. "斟酌裁断权"(Discretionary Authority)仍旧会保留. 它主要是在个别情况下评审系统不能有效地对某些申请人的素质加以准确反映时,移民官根据自己的判断,

functional departmentalization:功能分部;职能分部

functional authority 职权;职能权力;功能性职权 | functional departmentalization 功能分部;职能分部 | functional discount 功能折扣

limitation and elimination of directorial liabilities:董事的免责

资产负债匹配管理:Assests and Liabilities Managemen | 董事的免责:limitation and elimination of directorial liabilities | 登记机关的责任:legal liabilities of registration authority

Absolute disgrace:国家的耻辱

Cowards!|孬种! | Absolute disgrace!|国家的耻辱! | I have it from the highest authority.|这是我从最高当局那得来的

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Under Satan's Authority
Portait Of Authority
Points Of Authority / 99 Problems / One Step Closer
Authority Song
Authority Song
Bridge And Tunnel Authority
Points Of Authority
Points Of Authority / 99 Problems / One Step Closer

gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest