查询词典 at every pore
- 与 at every pore 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
at every turn:事事
at every pore 全身 | at every turn 事事 | at fault 感到困惑
at every pore:全身
at ease 安逸 | at every pore 全身 | at every turn 事事
at every pore:全身, 浑身
at ebb | 干涸(指眼泪) | at every pore | 全身, 浑身 | at every step | 每走一步
at every pore:全身无忧雅思网
at ease 安逸无忧雅思网4?;mh_ |v(_w | at every pore 全身无忧雅思网d,g FeoY"_~ | at every turn 事事
At every pore with instant fires:散发出即时的火焰
And while thy willing soul transpires 趁你的灵魂自每个毛孔欣然 | At every pore with instant fires, 散发出即时的火焰, | Now let us sport us while we may, 此刻让我们能玩就玩个尽兴;
At every pore with instant fires:喷吐热情,如一点即燃的烈火熊熊
And while thy willing soul transpires 趁你情愿的灵魂还肯从每一个毛孔 | At every pore with instant fires, 喷吐热情,如一点即燃的烈火熊熊, | Now let us sport us while we may; 让我们趁现在大好时光玩个尽兴...
At every pore with instant fires:还肯于喷吐热情,象烈火的汹涌
趁你的灵魂从你全身的毛孔 And while thy willing soul transpires | 还肯于喷吐热情,象烈火的汹涌, At every pore with instant fires, | 让我们趁此可能的时机戏耍吧, Now let us sport us while we may;
At every pore with instant fires:被喷火的毛孔蒸发
And while thy willing soul transpires 当你那甘愿的灵魂 | At every pore with instant fires, 被喷火的毛孔蒸发, | Now let us sport us while we may; 让我们尽情地纵乐;
And while thy willing soul transpires:趁你的灵魂自每个毛孔欣然
Sits on thy skin like morning dew, 还像朝露在你的肌肤停坐, | And while thy willing soul transpires 趁你的灵魂自每个毛孔欣然 | At every pore with instant fires, 散发出即时的火焰,
And while thy willing soul transpires:趁你情愿的灵魂还肯从每一个毛孔
Sits on thy skin like morning dew, 在你的玉肤,犹如清晨的露珠, | And while thy willing soul transpires 趁你情愿的灵魂还肯从每一个毛孔 | At every pore with instant fires, 喷吐热情,如一点即燃的烈火熊熊...
- 推荐网络解释
Greco-Latin square:希腊拉丁方格
Granduation of curve 曲线递合 | Greco-Latin square 希腊拉丁方格 | Grand lot 大批
斜拉器:kicking strap | 帆前角下拉索:cunningham | 调整索:outhaul
软性玩具 soft toy | 塞得过满 overstuffed | 教边 fray