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与 as...as possible 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


reply 回复,答复 | urgently 紧急的 | as soon as possible/without delay/at your earliest convenience 请尽早,尽快

worry about sb:担心某人

68. 尽可能的靠近动物 get as close as possible to the animals | 69. 担心某人 worry about sb. | 71. 确保,确认 make sure

When love anigh:当爱在靠近

04.感恩的心 Indebted heart | 05.当爱在靠近 When love anigh | 06.趁早 As early as possible


as early as possible | 尽快地 | autobiology | 个体生物学 | autobiotic | 自生质

He can difficultly say:他简直说不出话来

163. As soon as possible! 越速越好! | 164. He can difficultly say. 他简直说不出话来. | 165. He always talks huge. 他老是吹牛.


希望自己可以lmove near karis | 最想去的地方redding | 放假的话,我要...have as much fun as possible

to suck in:吸入

When the pressure increases to a particular point, the roof may collapse. 当压力增至特定... | 3. to suck in 吸入 | He said he should suck in knowledge as much as possible when he was young. 他说趁他年青...

Fashion Pioneers:时尚小先锋

French fries 炸薯条. | 时尚小先锋Fashion Pioneers | ASAP As soon as possible 尽快

Prepare the PO file in case the parts are sourced:编写PO采购零部件

Prepare the PO file in case the parts are sourced. 编写PO采购零部件 | The PO must be as detailed as possible to avoid any mistakes: PO必须尽可能详细,以避免任何错误: | - Quantity 数量

be submitted to:提交

usual practice 惯例 | be submitted to 提交 | as promptly/soon as possible 尽快

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CYL or cyl. cylinder:气缸

CW curb weight整备质量 | CYL or cyl. cylinder气缸 | drive(自动变速器)前进档位,档位

Sorrow and balefulness are gonna say goodbye:忧伤和灾难终会跟你说再见

You have my place to stay,you have my mother to stay 我的胸怀可让你倚靠,我... | Sorrow and balefulness are gonna say goodbye 忧伤和灾难终会跟你说再见 | Opens up you'll see the happy sunshine张开眼睛你...

Why would I hallucinate that:为什么我会幻想到这个

She had blonde hair.|她是一头金发 | Why would I hallucinate that?|为什么我会幻想到这个? | Yes.|是啊