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as soon as...相关的网络解释

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与 as soon as... 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

was not following a gravitationally freefall trajectory:完全不遵循万有引力自由落体轨迹

However, we soon discovered that the object...|然而 ... | ... was not following a gravitationally freefall trajectory.|... 完全不遵循万有引力自由落体轨迹 | As such, its path was recalculated.|因此 我们...

It's a deal. - Now:一言为定

I will, and soon, before those get sold out from underneath me, as well.|我会去, 而且很快 在那些画也卖出去以前 | - It's a deal. - Now...|一言为定 | a non-art-related question.|现在是一个无关艺术的问题

I cannot bear suffering from jetlag after each flight:每次飞行之后,我简直受不了适应时差的那种难受劲

14. I'm eager to take a massage as... | 15. I cannot bear suffering from jetlag after each flight. 每次飞行之后,我简直受不了适应时差的那种难受劲. | 16. Take it easy. You'll soon recover from jetlag an...

my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in:所以我丈夫花了几个星期的时间训练它用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来

As the neighbours compl... | my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in. 所以我丈夫花了几个星期的时间训练它用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来. | Rex soon became an exp...

o6 n! v( P! u; PAction is the proper fruit of knowledge:行动是知识之佳果

A book is the same today as it always ... | 3 o6 n! v( P! u; PAction is the proper fruit of knowledge. 行动是知识之佳果. $ T% ]: d/ e1 ] K: @7 k1 r | Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ende...

Now unblessed, homesick in time:现在不受天福,无比怀乡

Why is the deadliest sin - to love as I loved you? 为何你爱我如我爱你般便... | Now unblessed, homesick in time, 现在不受天福,无比怀乡 | soon to be freed from care, from human pain. 不久将了无牵挂,不再遭...

Now unblessed, homesick in time:现在,被诅咒着,被思念所缠绕着

why is the deadliest sin - to love as i loved you? 为什么会有那最致命的... | now unblessed homesick in time 现在,被诅咒着,被思念所缠绕着 | soon to be freed from care from human pain 很快,就将从"关怀"中...

Which lasts throughout the night in the soughing wind:连宵脉脉复飕飕

残漏声催秋雨急. The late sound of water clock pelting the au... | 连宵脉脉复飕飕,Which lasts throughout the night in the soughing wind, | 灯前似伴离人泣. As if accompanying the person parting soon, sob...

The sun's influence diminishes:太阳的威力逐渐减弱

and the whales will soon be forced north as winter returns.|很快冬季又到了,这些鲸鱼将不得不前往北方 | The sun's influence diminishes|太阳的威力逐渐减弱 | and the ocean starts to freeze.|海洋开始结冰

The humble salve which wounded bosoms fits:廉价的膏药,心腑的撕裂

And soon to you, as you to me, then tender'd 彼此伤害着,又相互慰藉... | The humble salve which wounded bosoms fits! 廉价的膏药,心腑的撕裂! | But that your trespass now becomes a fee; 而今你的罪竟成了学费...

第35/35页 首页 < ... 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Soon As I Get Home
As Soon As I Hang Up The Phone
As Soon As The Tide Comes In
As Soon As I Touched Him
As Soon As I Hang Up The Phone
As Soon As I Wake Up
As Soon As You Let Me
As Soon As The Good Times Roll
As Soon As Love Finds Me
Just As Soon As I Get Over Loving You

front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

"准星","front sight" | "前方除渣(熔铁炉)","front slagging" | "前弹簧","front spring"

make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

85.see to照料、注意; | 86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声; | 87.stare at凝视;

derivative equaliser:孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟

aperture corrector with delay line 带有延迟线的... | aperture equaliser, derivative equaliser, group delay equaliser, delay 孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟 | apparatus electric circuit 电子篱笆;...