英语人>网络解释>analog to digital 相关的网络解释
analog to digital相关的网络解释

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与 analog to digital 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Accepts video feeds directly from a camera or satellite box:接受视频源直接从相机或卫星电视盒

Compatible with both digital and analog televis... | Accepts video feeds directly from a camera or satellite box接受视频源直接从相机或卫星电视盒 | Small size makes it easy to carry and ideal for laptop...


"digitalizer ","数位化装置,数位器,数位变换器" | "digitally ","用数位方式" | "digital-to-analog conversion ","数位-类比转换"

function field:函数栏

"函数执行","function execution" | "函数栏","function field" | "功能产生数位至类比转换器","function generating digital-to-analog converter,FGDAC"

digital voltmeter:数字伏特计

digital to analog converter 数字模拟转换器 | digital voltmeter 数字伏特计 | digitizer 数字转换器

DABS Discrete Addressable Beacon System:离散寻址信标系统

D/A Digital-to-Analog 数/模转换 | DABS Discrete Addressable Beacon System 离散寻址信标系统 | DADC Digital Air Data Computer 数字大气数据计算机

digonal axis:二次轴

数字模拟转换器 digital-to-analog converter | 二次轴 digonal axis | 二面[立体]角 dihedral angle

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I couldn't be more tragic:我就披下喜剧的华服

And if I were the King of Rome 若我非罗马王 | I couldn't be more tragic 我就披下喜剧的华服 | My fate to roam 命运支使

speak in public:在公共场合说话

58.do a personality survey 做一个性格调查 | 59.speak in public 在公共场合说话 | 60.hardly ever 几乎不


2、执行"编辑"(Edit)|"变换"( Transform)|"扭曲(distort)命令,将"三维字"拉成透视状. 百度(baidu)提供的内容