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after that相关的网络解释

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与 after that 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a mass of pottage:眼前利益,因小失大,付出巨大代价得到的物质享受

49. To keep an ear to the ground,它的意思就是保持高度警觉,及早发现... | 50. a mass of pottage. 眼前利益,因小失大,付出巨大代价得到的物质享受 | 51. After quitting school, he realized that life was not ros...

afford to do:有经济条件做某事,买得起,付得起

advise that 建议 | afford to do 有经济条件做某事,买得起,付得起 | after all 总, 终归, 终久, 归根到底, 毕竟

and so on etc:表示列举

8)表示因果 so,therefore,for,as a result,because of,due ... | 9)表示列举 for example,for instance,that is ; namely ; such as,and so on etc. | 10)表示总结after all ; in a word,in short,in all in general...

for a full minute and a half before the wind died:长达一分半钟,风才停歇

That night, Trey successfully screwed his wife|当晚,... | for a full minute and a half before the wind died.|长达一分半钟,风才停歇 | After Charlotte's night of love, she called the one person she knew|...

You betcha:当然行

If we wanted, we could live in Bora Bora?|我们可以去布拉岛 | You betcha|当然行 | And if after a while you didn't dig that go someplace else, maybe Tahiti Mexico|住厌了就搬去大溪地或墨西哥

blam:我是说 在那种大小的房间里应该是... )

I mean,a room that size would give you a... ( 逐渐消失这些线条... | a... blam,blam,blam,blam. ( 我是说 在那种大小的房间里应该是... ) | You know?Like,one off each wall, split second after the other. ( 一...

how great would it be if we both got in:要是我们两个都被录取了多好啊

It was only after I wrote that short that I started th... | how great would it be if we both got in?|要是我们两个都被录取了多好啊 | - Wait. So... so you got the spot? - I would have never applied|- 等等...

This glycoside saxitoxin hybrid goes to work in the blood stream instantly:配糖蛤蚌毒素复合体能迅速在血液里奏效 )

it's only a matter of minutes. ( 就需要几分钟而已 ) | This glycoside saxitoxin hybrid goes to work in the blood stream instantly. ( 配糖蛤蚌毒素复合体能迅速在血液里奏效 ) | After that-- ( 之后 )

picture living my life,without you:没有你,只在你的相片的陪伴下生活

and after everything that we've been through,it still feels right, 在我们经历过所有一... | and now i know that i can't 但我知道现在... | picture living my life,without you, 没有你,只在你的相片的陪伴下生活

They will guard and uphold the Dharma storehouses:护持其法藏

will be numerous as the dust particles described above. 如上说尘数 | They will guard and uphold the Dharma storehouses护持其法藏 | and after that will gain correct enlightenment. 后当成正觉

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territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)