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与 adverse 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

side effect, adverse effect:副作用

glucose 葡萄糖 | side effect, adverse effect 副作用 | operative treatment 手术疗法

side effect, adverse effect:反作用

glucose 葡萄糖 | side effect, adverse effect 反作用 | operative treatment 手术疗法

threshold of adverse effect:不良反应阈

不良反应|untoward reaction | 不良反应阈|threshold of adverse effect | 不灵敏核极化转移增益法|insensitive nucleus enhancement by polarization

threshold of adverse effect:有害作用阈

threshold neutron 阈能中子 | threshold of adverse effect 有害作用阈 | threshold of audibility 听阈=>最小可聴値

threshold of adverse effect:不良反應閾限 不良反应阈

threshold dose 閾劑量 阈剂量 | threshold of adverse effect 不良反應閾限 不良反应阈 | thrombolytic 溶血栓藥 溶血栓药

NOS Adverse effect unspecified:有害效应

成年型斯蒂尔病或综合征[成人型类风湿性关节炎] Adult-onset Still's disease | 有害效应 NOS Adverse effect unspecified | 未特指的非洲锥虫病 African trypanosomiasis unspecified

Adverse Effect, including Toxicity:副作用, 包括毒性

User Defined... 使用者设定的结构模板 | Adverse Effect, including Toxicity 副作用, 包括毒性 | Analytical Study 分析研究


保留意见 qualified opinion | 无法表示意见 disclaimer | 否定意见 adverse


adventitial动脉外膜的 | adverse 反向的,相反的 | advertiser信号装置,信号器


Adverse 应收帐款的帐龄分类 | Aging of accounts receivable 应收帐款的帐龄分类 | Allocable 应分配的

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reliability reassignment:可靠性再分配

reliability program for system 系统可靠性规划 | reliability reassignment 可靠性再分配 | reliability report 可靠性报告

Lots and lots of gum-gum:(很多很多的糖糖)

Yes, I did, fathead.(是的,傻瓜) | Lots and lots of gum-gum.(很多很多的糖糖) | 轉載至奇摩知識+的MAC


multiple-order 多级 | multiple-orificevalve 多孔板阀 | multiple-pass 多程