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与 actually 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He seems more like his old self:恢复老样子

I actually thinkhe's a bit better today.|说真的 他今天好些了 | He seems more like his old self.|恢复老样子 | It is possiblethat he was never sick.|有可能根本没生病

At the improv a couple times:你的即兴喜剧表演

I've actually seen you do comedy|事实上 我看过几次 | At the improv a couple times.|你的即兴喜剧表演 | Yeah, you're really... you're really, really funny.|你演得真的很好 很滑稽

You're not gonna belief this. This is lemon-flavored vodka:你不会相信的,这是柠檬口味的伏特加

I brought you this from Minsk.|我从明斯克带回来这个... | You're not gonna belief this. This is lemon-flavored vodka.|你不会相信的,这是柠檬口味的伏特加 | Yeah, we actually have this here.|是吗?事实上这里...


53.Love actually is all around us. 爱其实就在身边 | 54.movie goer 电影发烧友 | playgoer 戏剧发烧友

Cool. What up, Munchkins:酷毙了 怎么了 小鬼

l think we landed in Munchkinland.|我们到绿野仙踪了 | Cool. What up, Munchkins?|酷毙了 怎么了 小鬼? | Actually, we're across town at the park.|我们穿过了小镇 来到公园了

All great men have mustaches, Frank:伟人都有胡子 弗兰克

right off your face.|从你脸上拽下来 | All great men have mustaches, Frank.|伟人都有胡子 弗兰克 | Yeah, but real men actually grow them.|只有真正的男人才有胡子

My older brother says, like, the nastiest shit:我哥哥,就是那个最顽皮的

No, don't worry. I'm actually used to it.|没关系我习惯... | My older brother says, like, the nastiest shit.|我哥哥,就是那个最顽皮的 | Like he called me "hymen" until I was 12.|直到我12岁时都管我叫"处女...

The windchill was very low:冷风吹的很低

And l think l would have died pretty soon, actually.|我以为我很快就要死了 | The windchill was very low.|冷风吹的很低 | l was literally going down the mountain|我是一步一步的慢慢往山下落

A what? - A Wiccan:什么? - 男巫

- Sort of? - Well, I'm actually a Wiccan.|- 差不多? - 我是个男巫 | - A what? - A Wiccan.|- 什么? - 男巫 | Wiccan?|男巫?

I don't want this winding up in the wrong hands:我可不想让别人搞砸

Working on a secret project, are we, sir?|这次算秘密计划吧... | I don't want this winding up in the wrong hands.|我可不想让别人搞砸 | Maybe in mine, it can actually do some good.|就算自己搞砸了,也不白费...

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Love Actually
Someday, In The Event That Mankind Actually Figures Out What It Is That This World Revolves Around, Thousands Of People Are Going To Be Shocked...
Wishpering Actually
Mrs. Actually
Clams Have Feelings Too (Actually They Don't)

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)