英语人>网络解释>activists 相关的网络解释

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与 activists 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a violent attack:猛烈的攻擊、 強烈的抗議、 激烈的鬥爭

* violent criminals, demonstrators, activists, etc 使用暴力... | * a violent attack, protest, struggle, etc 猛烈的攻擊、 強烈的抗議、 激烈的鬥爭 | * Students were involved in violent clashes with the poli...

a violent attack, protest, struggle, etc:猛烈的攻擊、 強烈的抗議、 激烈的鬥爭

* violent criminals, demonstrators, activists, etc 使用暴力... | * a violent attack, protest, struggle, etc 猛烈的攻擊、 強烈的抗議、 激烈的鬥爭 | * Students were involved in violent clashes with the poli...

after the fur-loving fashion martyr lost control of her vehicle:[即使这个酷爱毛皮的时尚巨子 死于驾驶不当]

The world is still in mourning [全... | after the fur-loving fashion martyr lost control of her vehicle [即使这个酷爱毛皮的时尚巨子 死于驾驶不当] | after being chased by angry animal rights activists. [...

an illegal house arrest order:非法软禁

defy vt. 1 公然反抗 2 不服从; 不尊重 3 有无法克服的困难 | an illegal house arrest order:非法软禁 | activists n. (政治活动的)积极分子, 活动家

Displaced refugees numbers in the tens of thousands:数万难民离乡背井

Japan and Southeast Asia has submerged entire cities.|#... | Displaced refugees numbers in the tens of thousands.|# 数万难民离乡背井 # | Activists crowded the streets near UN headquarters today|# 今天许...

Corporate voting should be abolished:公司票应废除

公司透明度 corporate transparency | 公司票应废除. Corporate voting should be abolished. | 鼓吹企业改革的人士 corporate-reform activists

demonstrators:使用暴力的罪犯、 示威者、 激進分子等

* violent criminals, demonstrators, activists, etc 使用暴力的罪犯、 示威者、 激進分子等 | * a violent attack, protest, struggle, etc 猛烈的攻... | * Students were involved in violent clashes with the pol...

pro-democracy dissidents:拥护民主的持不同政见者

pro-democracy activists 要求民主的积极分子 92 | pro-democracy dissidents 拥护民主的持不同政见者 21 | production facility 生产设备 230

Animal rights activists who convinced zoo officials:动物权力主义分子们 原本说服了动物园负责人

It was a very bad kitty.|它是只坏 坏... | Animal rights activists who convinced zoo officials...|动物权力主义分子们 原本说服了动物园负责人 | to have the escaped animals sent to Africa...|把这些逃脱的动...

after being chased by angry animal rights activists:[即使她一直 被动物保护激进分子追击]

after the fur-loving fashion martyr lost control of her vehicle [即使这个酷爱毛... | after being chased by angry animal rights activists. [即使她一直 被动物保护激进分子追击] | You wanted to see me? [您有...

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weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory