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与 across 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

go down / along this street:沿着这条马路走

36. It's just up the stairs就在楼上 | 37. go down / along this street沿着这条马路走 | 39. across the street(横)过马路

go down/along the street:沿着这条路走下去

go across the bridge 过桥 | go down/along the street 沿着这条路走下去 | go to sleep 去睡觉

to harvest seasonal abundances in different seas:就是为了在不同海域 享用这种季节性的盛宴

that great whites migrate thousands of miles across the ocean... | to harvest seasonal abundances in different seas.|就是为了在不同海域 享用这种季节性的盛宴 | The sun, beating down on tropical waters,|...

and the Luftwaffe has been bombing airfields:德国空军已经开始轰炸

Hitler's troops invaded Holland and Belgium|希特勒军队入侵荷兰和比利时 | and the Luftwaffe has been bombing airfields|德国空军已经开始轰炸 | all across Holland and northern France.|荷兰和法国北部的机...

instead of flying south to warmer climes:而一直坚守在这里经受着北方寒冬的考验

They have stayed here, braving the northern winter|绒鸭... | instead of flying south to warmer climes.|而一直坚守在这里经受着北方寒冬的考验 | Flocks 40,000 strong sweep across the frozen wastes.|4万只绒...

potential costumers:潜在的顾客群

5.a bland name 品牌名称 | 6.potential costumers 潜在的顾客群 | 7.get...across 被传递/理解;把......讲清楚;通过

Is that confirmed? - By their denials:确认了吗? - 确然,虽然他们不承认

- using the most direct route possible. - Across the countryside of... | - Is that confirmed? - By their denials.|- 确认了吗? - 确然,虽然他们不承认 | - Proof there truly is a new axis of evil. - Oh, wo...

RSS enclosures:媒体对象

come across: vt. 碰到(遇到,无意中发现) | RSS enclosures 媒体对象 | entry 记录

Variations on a Cantonese folk tune:双飞蝴蝶主题变奏曲

02. 浏阳河 The Liu Yang River | 03. 双飞蝴蝶主题变奏曲 Variations on a Cantonese folk tune | 04. 山丹丹开花红灿灿 Red flowers are blooming across the mountains

last stick of gum:最后一片口香糖

nicotine patch n.尼古丁贴片 | last stick of gum最后一片口香糖 | across the hall在对面.

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Clear Across America Tonight
Across The Sea
Across The Midnight Sky
Woman Across The River
The Dragon's Flight Across The Waves
Across The Rainbow Bridge
Across The Nile
Music From Across The Way
Across The Universe
Straight Across My Mind

mine-run coal:原煤

"mine resistance","通风阻力 ; 矿阻" | "mine-run coal","原煤" | "mine salting","矿石渗杂"

PA: Pennsylvania:美国宾夕法尼亚州州名

ancestry 祖先(集合称), 家系, 血统 | Pa. Pennsylvania 美国宾夕法尼亚州州名 | booster locomotive 辅助机车

corrugate steel fibers:卷曲钢纤维

corrosion inhibiting, , admixture 防锈掺会料 | corrugate steel fibers 卷曲钢纤维 | corrugated aluminium 波状铝板