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与 across 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Airlifts have been ruled out as too dangerous:由于太危险,空运物资被取消

Across the country, looters continue to set fire to aband... | Airlifts have been ruled out as too dangerous.|由于太危险,空运物资被取消. | More street fighting in Moscow as food and fuel shortages con...

essential and appealed:总有一天会实现的

you don't know me, you don't wear my chains...你不了解我,不能容忍我 | essential and appealed,总有一天会实现的 | Carry all your thoughts across带著你所有的想像

essential and appealed:总有一天会实现

You don't know me, you don't wear my chains... 你不了解我,也无法容忍我 | Essential and appealed, 总有一天会实现 | Carry all your thoughts across an open field, 带着你所有的思绪穿过那片旷野

witnessed Fan being assaulted:目睹樊敏仪遭虐打

用烫热的电电烫斗烫过她的手背stamped a hot electrical iron across the back of her hands | 目睹樊敏仪遭虐打witnessed Fan being assaulted | 向女儿和侄儿淋镪水throw acid on his daughter and nephew

The sergeant bawled out a command to his men:那个中士向士兵大声发令

1340. He bawls at me across the street. 他在街... | 1341. The sergeant bawled out a command to his men. 那个中士向士兵大声发令. | 1342. In the library, the books on history are all kept in one bay. 在图...

She beckoned me to follow her:她招手要我跟过去

1391. They hurried on because it was getting dark. 因为天色暗下来了,他们... | 1392. She beckoned me to follow her. 她招手要我跟过去. | 1393. He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在马路对面向我招...

It bolstered my belief:这增强了我的信念

1707. There is a bolster across the head of the bed. 床头上有一个长枕垫. | 1708. It bolstered my belief. 这增强了我的信念. | 1709. They bolstered their morale by singing. 他们以唱歌来鼓舞士气.

suspension bridges:斜拉桥

a huge park with aquariums and cable cars 一个有养鱼池和缆车的大型公园 | suspension bridges 斜拉桥 | travel across a bridge 行驶过一座桥

in bare feet, brining all spring's flowers:赤足而行,带着所有春天的花朵

my daughter, my girl, across the fields 偶滴***,偶的姑娘,穿过田野 | in bare feet, brining all spring-s flowers 赤足而行,带着所有春天的花朵 | to her mother-s house. I swear 来到她***的房子我发誓

numerous pieces of great work proved and canonized by public:无数久经验证广受推崇的伟大作品

跨越 across | 无数久经验证广受推崇的伟大作品 numerous pieces of great work proved and canonized by public | 各种住宅工程的国际顶级规划设计商 the world's top planning and design service globally

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Clear Across America Tonight
Across The Sea
Across The Midnight Sky
Woman Across The River
The Dragon's Flight Across The Waves
Across The Rainbow Bridge
Across The Nile
Music From Across The Way
Across The Universe
Straight Across My Mind


plastic 塑胶 | plasticine 塑像用粘土 | plasticity 可塑性

Steel Skeleton Construction:钢骨构造

"钢珠","steel shot" | "钢骨构造","steel skeleton construction" | "钢枕(铁路)","steel sleeper"

Senecio cineraria:银叶菊

垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum | 银叶菊 Senecio cineraria | 97 加拿大一枝黄花 Solidago canadensis