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totter:因软弱无力而摇摇晃晃地行走. 例如

The man staggered across the room.那人蹒跚地走过房间. | 10. totter:因软弱无力而摇摇晃晃地行走. 例如: | Small children and very old people totter as they walk.小孩和老人走路蹒跚.

swaying in the midst of a raging storm; precarious; tottering:风雨飘摇

风雨交加--it's raining and blowing hard; it's wet an... | 风雨飘摇--swaying in the midst of a raging storm; precarious; tottering | 风雨如晦--wind and rain sweeping across a gloomy sky; a grim and grav...

tram stop:电车车站

traffic 交通 | tram-stop 电车车站 | across 越过

transatlantic, transplant:横越,变化

sub under 在......的下面 submarine, subliminal | trans across 横越,变化 transatlantic, transplant | uni one 单一 uniform, unilateral

Danger! Inhibition astraddle transgress:(危险,不许进入

When you across hard you can ring 110(紧急时请拨打110. ) | Danger! Inhibition astraddle transgress.(危险,不许进入!) | X Bank Beijing Cent Company(X银行北京分公司)这里的"分"被翻译成了一分钱的"分"

said triumphantly, "I have you:得勝地說,"我有你

he / 他 | said triumphantly, "I have you." / 得勝地說,"我有你" . | >>From across the length of Siren's blade, Solaris smiled. Ken waited for / >> 從越過女海妖的刀鋒長度, Solaris 微笑. 肯恩等候

Twinkling Lights:万家灯火

大风车 Big Pinwheel | 万家灯火 Twinkling Lights | 天涯共此时 Time Together Across the Strait

Her health broke down under the pressure of work:她因工作压力身体垮掉了

(6)He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn't really come across... | (7)Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 她因工作压力身体垮掉了. | (8)Fighting broke out between rival groups of ...

underpaid, underfed:过少,不足

trans across 横越,变化 transatlantic, transplant | uni one 单一 uniform, unilateral | under not enough 过少,不足 underpaid, underfed

Age of Unreason:非理性时代

Across the Nightingale Floor 穿越夜莺地 | Age of Unreason 非理性时代 | Alternative History Fantasy 虚拟历史奇幻

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Clear Across America Tonight
Across The Sea
Across The Midnight Sky
Woman Across The River
The Dragon's Flight Across The Waves
Across The Rainbow Bridge
Across The Nile
Music From Across The Way
Across The Universe
Straight Across My Mind


plastic 塑胶 | plasticine 塑像用粘土 | plasticity 可塑性

Steel Skeleton Construction:钢骨构造

"钢珠","steel shot" | "钢骨构造","steel skeleton construction" | "钢枕(铁路)","steel sleeper"

Senecio cineraria:银叶菊

垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum | 银叶菊 Senecio cineraria | 97 加拿大一枝黄花 Solidago canadensis