英语人>网络解释>across 相关的网络解释

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与 across 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acridine dye:啶染料

"阿克里棉(叙利亚产)","Acri cotton" | "*啶染料","acridine dye" | "背宽","across back"


acrophonetic writing 截頭表音文字;形音文字 | acrophony 截頭表音法;頂音法 | across the board rule 全域規律;全般規則


acrosin 精子酵素 | acrospire 旋状幼芽 | across country 越过田野

acrospire:(萌发种子最先生出的)旋状幼芽, 幼根

acrosin | 精子酵素, 精子头粒蛋白 | acrospire | (萌发种子最先生出的)旋状幼芽, 幼根 | across country | 越过田野

across town:都市的另一端

4accentn. 重音,口音; v. 重读,强调 | 5across town都市的另一端 | 6actuallyad. 实际上


132acquisition surplus 盘购盈余 | 133across-the-board 全面调整 | 134ACT 预交公司税

别再装傻了,行吗?act the fool装模作样,装傻:Stop acting the fool,will you

Across-the-board全面的,包括一切 | Stop acting the fool,will you?别再装傻了,行吗?act the fool装模作样,装傻 | I don't know Mary from Adam.我根本不认识玛丽. Not know...from Adam根本不认识

actinic ray:光化射线

across span lift distribution 翼展向升力分布 | actinic ray 光化射線 | actinometer 曝光表;感光計

be adept at:擅长

be across to | 是的责任 | be adept at | 擅长 | be adept in | 擅长

go adrift:随波逐流

go across 走过 | go adrift 随波逐流 | go after 追求

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Clear Across America Tonight
Across The Sea
Across The Midnight Sky
Woman Across The River
The Dragon's Flight Across The Waves
Across The Rainbow Bridge
Across The Nile
Music From Across The Way
Across The Universe
Straight Across My Mind

Elite Guard BUMBLEBEE- Autobot Speedster:精英卫队版大黄蜂-汽车人疾速战士

Bumblebee- Autobot Speedster/大黄蜂-汽车人疾速战士 | Elite Guard BUMBLEBEE- Autobot Speedster/精英卫队版大黄蜂-汽车人疾速战士 | Grimlock-Dinobot Leader/钢锁-机器恐龙领袖

Micheal jackson:最喜欢的作家

现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Speechless | 最喜欢的作家Micheal jackson | 现在最喜欢的游戏Tennis


hysterogenous 表成次生沉积的 | hysteromorphous 表成次生沉积的 | Hysterophyta 真菌