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- 与 accident 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
He was grief-stricken when he heard about his friend's accident:当他听到朋友的意外时,他极度的悲伤. bYt汕尾全程教育网
grief-stricken极度悲伤的(形容词)bYt汕尾全程教... | He was grief-stricken when he heard about his friend's accident.当他听到朋友的意外时,他极度的悲伤. bYt汕尾全程教育网 | potent强力的(形容词)bYt汕尾全程教...
He was grief-stricken when he heard about his friend's accident:当他听到朋友的意外时,他极度的悲伤. mBW汕尾全程教育网
grief-stricken极度悲伤的(形容词)mBW汕尾全程教... | He was grief-stricken when he heard about his friend's accident.当他听到朋友的意外时,他极度的悲伤. mBW汕尾全程教育网 | potent强力的(形容词)mBW汕尾全程教...
He was grief-stricken when he heard about his friend's accident:当他听到朋友意外时他极度悲伤
grief-stricken极度悲伤(形容词) | He was grief-stricken when he heard about his friend's accident. 当他听到朋友意外时他极度悲伤. | potent强力(形容词)
A Heartbreaking Accident:令人痛心的事故
136.Lost in Space迷失在太空 | 137.A Heartbreaking Accident令人痛心的事故 | 138.From Hero to Zero从明星到无名小卒
hit-and-run accident:事故后驾车逃逸
drunken driving 酒后开车 | hit-and-run accident 事故后驾车逃逸 | blood test 血迹
hit-and-run accident:肇事逃逸
textbook 教科书似的,标准的 | hit-and-run accident 肇事逃逸 | i lost it 我慌了,我失控了
hit-and-run accident:驾车肇事逃逸
车祸逃逸 hit-and-run | 驾车肇事逃逸 hit-and-run accident | 自用住宅 homestead; residence for own use
hit-and-run driver/accident:肇事后逃逸的司机/事故
302.照明 illumination | 303.肇事后逃逸的司机/事故 hit-and-run driver/accident | 304.遮阳帘 sunshade, curtain
Sammy Boy was the victim of a hit-and-run accident:萨米男孩,不幸被一辆肇事逃逸车撞死
And finally tonight, the death of a local hero.|今晚最后一则新闻是... | Sammy Boy was the victim of a hit-and-run accident.|萨米男孩,不幸被一辆肇事逃逸车撞死 | Viewers might remember Sammy Boy|观众们也许...
In my view, this accident could have been prevented:依我看,这次事故本来是可以避免的
Somebody must have opened the cage-the tiger couldn't have escaped on it... | In my view, this accident could have been prevented.依我看,这次事故本来是可以避免的. | You could at least have sent a lett...
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Accident On 3rd Street
- A Pure Accident
- Accident Without Emergency
- Love Sick Stomach Ache (Sugar Coated Accident)
- Happy Accident
- Rosemary Had An Accident
- The Carroll County Accident
- It Sounded Like An Accident
- Accident Prone
- Happy Accident
- 推荐网络解释
highspeed boat:高速艇
high frequency 高频 | highspeed boat 高速艇 | horizontal a.水平的,卧式的
motherland; fatherland; homeland:祖国
584 最 most | 586 祖国 motherland; fatherland; homeland | 587 山 mountain; hill
banking hours, business hours:营业时间
equitable tax system 等价税则 | specimen signature 签字式样 | banking hours, business hours 营业时间