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与 accident 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was grief-stricken when he heard about his friend's accident:当他听到朋友的意外时,他极度的悲伤. bYt汕尾全程教育网

grief-stricken极度悲伤的(形容词)bYt汕尾全程教... | He was grief-stricken when he heard about his friend's accident.当他听到朋友的意外时,他极度的悲伤. bYt汕尾全程教育网 | potent强力的(形容词)bYt汕尾全程教...

He was grief-stricken when he heard about his friend's accident:当他听到朋友的意外时,他极度的悲伤. mBW汕尾全程教育网

grief-stricken极度悲伤的(形容词)mBW汕尾全程教... | He was grief-stricken when he heard about his friend's accident.当他听到朋友的意外时,他极度的悲伤. mBW汕尾全程教育网 | potent强力的(形容词)mBW汕尾全程教...

He was grief-stricken when he heard about his friend's accident:当他听到朋友意外时他极度悲伤

grief-stricken极度悲伤(形容词) | He was grief-stricken when he heard about his friend's accident. 当他听到朋友意外时他极度悲伤. | potent强力(形容词)

A Heartbreaking Accident:令人痛心的事故

136.Lost in Space迷失在太空 | 137.A Heartbreaking Accident令人痛心的事故 | 138.From Hero to Zero从明星到无名小卒

hit-and-run accident:事故后驾车逃逸

drunken driving 酒后开车 | hit-and-run accident 事故后驾车逃逸 | blood test 血迹

hit-and-run accident:肇事逃逸

textbook 教科书似的,标准的 | hit-and-run accident 肇事逃逸 | i lost it 我慌了,我失控了

hit-and-run accident:驾车肇事逃逸

车祸逃逸 hit-and-run | 驾车肇事逃逸 hit-and-run accident | 自用住宅 homestead; residence for own use

hit-and-run driver/accident:肇事后逃逸的司机/事故

302.照明 illumination | 303.肇事后逃逸的司机/事故 hit-and-run driver/accident | 304.遮阳帘 sunshade, curtain

Sammy Boy was the victim of a hit-and-run accident:萨米男孩,不幸被一辆肇事逃逸车撞死

And finally tonight, the death of a local hero.|今晚最后一则新闻是... | Sammy Boy was the victim of a hit-and-run accident.|萨米男孩,不幸被一辆肇事逃逸车撞死 | Viewers might remember Sammy Boy|观众们也许...

In my view, this accident could have been prevented:依我看,这次事故本来是可以避免的

Somebody must have opened the cage-the tiger couldn't have escaped on it... | In my view, this accident could have been prevented.依我看,这次事故本来是可以避免的. | You could at least have sent a lett...

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Accident On 3rd Street
A Pure Accident
Accident Without Emergency
Love Sick Stomach Ache (Sugar Coated Accident)
Happy Accident
Rosemary Had An Accident
The Carroll County Accident
It Sounded Like An Accident
Accident Prone
Happy Accident

highspeed boat:高速艇

high frequency 高频 | highspeed boat 高速艇 | horizontal a.水平的,卧式的

motherland; fatherland; homeland:祖国

584 最 most | 586 祖国 motherland; fatherland; homeland | 587 山 mountain; hill

banking hours, business hours:营业时间

equitable tax system 等价税则 | specimen signature 签字式样 | banking hours, business hours 营业时间