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He set himself up to be a graduate of a medical school,but he was not:他自称是医科毕业生,其实不是

He sets himself up as an expert in this field.他自认为是这个领域... | He set himself up to be a graduate of a medical school,but he was not.他自称是医科毕业生,其实不是. | 9.cause or produce sth.引起;产...

system and a unique set of genes. Thus:所以当一棵白杨-一棵茎-死了

clone, that shares an interconnected root 独特的基因. | system and a unique set of genes. Thus, 所以当一棵白杨-一棵茎-死了, | when one aspen-a single stem-dies, 整个克隆会受到影响.

a set mask of rectitude or an:一套正直的面具或一个

不要花言巧语,不要 without a wardrobe of excuses without | 一套正直的面具或一个 a set mask of rectitude or an | 令人为难的非常熟悉的手势 embarrassing over-familiar gesture.

a set mask of rectitude or an:亿蜃正直的面具或一个

不要花言巧语,不要 without a wardrobe of excuses without | 亿蜃正直的面具或一个 a set mask of rectitude or an | 令人为难的非常熟悉的手势 embarrassing over-familiar gesture.

if I'm gonna run with a new set of 30-by-nine-and-a-halfs:如果要穿一双39码半的鞋跑步 )

I'm figuring I'll need a two-inch lift ( 我需要增... | if I'm gonna run with a new set of 30-by-nine-and-a-halfs. ( 如果要穿一双39码半的鞋跑步 ) | Add coil springs or just stay with the spacers? ( 用弹簧...

Before his son of sam murders, david berkowitz set a multitude of fires:在以"山姆之子"名义谋杀之前,已放了很多把火

16.爱默生说, "所有的都是谜, 而解开这个谜的... | 17.David Berkowitz在以"山姆之子"名义谋杀之前,已放了很多把火 Before his son of sam murders, david berkowitz set a multitude of fires. | 18.很多确切指的是多...

It's a three-volume set of books about the supernatural:这是一本关于超自然的一册的

Take a look at this.|看看这个 | It's a three-volume set of books about the supernatural.|这是一本关于超自然的一册的 | "Volume One: Ghostly Hauntings, a History."|第一册鬼魂缠身,历史

lt's a three-volume set of books about the supernatural:这是一本关于超自然的一册的

Take a look at this.|看看这个 | lt's a three-volume set of books about the supernatural.|这是一本关于超自然的一册的 | ''Volume One: Ghostly Hauntings, a History. ''|第一册鬼魂缠身,历史

pick n: a sharp-pointed iron tool used in digging:锄头

son: young man. 年轻人 | pick n: a sharp-pointed iron tool used in digging. 锄头 | a set of books: a set of accounts. 一套帐簿

width of a set:集合的宽

width of a curve 曲线的宽 | width of a set 集合的宽 | winning 获胜,赢,增益

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civil law country:(欧洲大陆各国的)爱猫扑.爱生活系国家

Civil Code(德国)民法典 | civil law country(欧洲大陆各国的)爱猫扑.爱生活系国家 | claim 权利要求

the guy I was fantasizing about all that time:一个我一直梦想交往的家伙

And I didn't hit the fat weather guy from Channel 10,I hit the dreamy reporter,|... | the guy I was fantasizing about all that time|一个我一直梦想交往的家伙. | when I was trying to get over Oharlie.|还...


"到达时间","arrival time" | "碱磷铁石,钠磷锰铁石","arrojadite" | "旱谷","arroyo"