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The great thing is that he's practically given us a blank cheque on wiretaps:好处是他让我们全权处理

I'm done.|我吃完... | The great thing is that he's practically given us a blank cheque on wiretaps.|好处是他让我们全权处理 | I set them up on all of Juno's shipping agents and her clients.|我现在正监听...

You drive a hard bargain:你真会讲价

OK. Let's choose the deal at 300 dollars per set CIF New York. 好吧.... | You drive a hard bargain. 你真会讲价. | In view of our longstanding business relationship, we can conclude the transaction. 鉴...

burns effigies of Chen Shui-bian:焚烧陈水扁纸制人像

焚烧和践踏日本国旗set fire to Japanese flags and trampled on them | 焚烧陈水扁纸制人像burns effigies of Chen Shui-bian | 发起集会,抗议消防员效率不周staged a rally accusing firemen of inefficiency

bur effigies of Chen Shui-bian:焚烧陈水扁纸制人像

焚烧和践踏日本国旗set fire to Japanese flags and trampled on them | 焚烧陈水扁纸制人像bur effigies of Chen Shui-bian | 发起集会,抗议消防员效率不周staged a rally accusing firemen of inefficiency

Each one is more fiendishly clever than the last:每一个都要比上一个高明很多

Now, I've drawn a map with a complex set of clues.|我画了一张有很复杂线索的地图 | Each one is more fiendishly clever than the last.|每一个都要比上一个高明很多 | That works, too.|这样也可以

to a T:精确、丝毫不差

set piece: 定位球 | to a T 精确、丝毫不差 | at the drop of a hat: 一个脾气一触即发的人

Isn't that a little overdramatic:这是不是有点太戏剧性了

of Paticia Williams, a special hotline numbe has been set up at 1-800...|请... | Isn't that a little overdramatic?|这是不是有点太戏剧性了? | You don't think I'm just gonna plug it back in?|你是不是觉得...

A fence? Who? - Some guy in California called Redfoot:销赃人?是谁? -是个加州人 叫雷德福特

McManus already has a fence set up.|McManus已... | - A fence? Who? - Some guy in California called Redfoot.|-销赃人?是谁? -是个加州人 叫雷德福特 | - I never heard of him. - You have to come.|-我从未听说...

She did it out of spite:她那么做是出于恶意

I asked out of curiosity. 我因為好奇問了問. | She did it out of spite. 她那麼做是出於惡意. | from a particular number or set 從(某個數目或集)中 ~ of sth

Chichester's voyage began because he was terrified of Cape Horn. .Chichester:正是因为对合恩角的恐惧才开始他的那次航行的

35.Chichester's voyage began because he was terrified of Cape Horn. .Chichester正是因为对合恩角的恐惧才开始他的那次航行的. | 36.He set off once more in spite of h... | 37.He isn't a very good basketba...

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest