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And then another guy, big, stocky fellow with a crew cut:还有一个,很壮,留着平头

Maggio, yeah. He's a lieutenant now.|马奇奥,对 他现在是中尉了 | And then another guy, big, stocky fellow with a crew cut.|还有一个,很壮,留着平头 | He's bulky, kind of heavy-set.|块头很大,有点胖

Sybil Benjamin Disraeli:西比尔本杰明迪斯雷利

A revenge thriller also set in France after Bonaparte: a masterpiece of a... | 15. 15. Sybil Benjamin Disraeli西比尔本杰明迪斯雷利 | Apart from Churchill, no other British political figure shows liter...

make the best of sth:最好的利用

61. 建立良好和坚实的关系build a strong and good relationship | 62. 最好的利用make the best of sth | 63. 经营小生意set up a small business

dimension of a projective variety:射影簇的维数

射影超平面|projective hyperplane | 射影簇的维数|dimension of a projective variety | 射影代数集|projective algebraic set

ring off engine:主机恒速

rigid replica of the International Code flag A 复制硬质国际信号代码A旗 | ring off engine 主机恒速 | rise and set of celestial body 天体出没

semiliterate a. partly able to read and write:半文盲得,能读而不能写得

scrawl n. sth. written awkwardly or fast or carelessly 潦草模糊得字迹 | semiliterate a. partly able to read and write 半文盲得,能读而不能写得 | serial a. of or forming a series (set) 连续得,一系列得

I'm not the kind of person who likes to swim with the tide:我可不是个随波逐流的人

59. Evils set, evils get. 恶... | 60. I'm not the kind of person who likes to swim with the tide. 我可不是个随波逐流的人. | 61. You should be in a placid mood and have a heart-to-heart talk with her. 你...

constructive total loss:推定损失

a complete/full set of dOcuments 全部文件 | constructive total loss 推定损失 | a full range of samples 系列样品

Townsman of a stiller town:整个城镇都是沉默的人们

And set you at your threshold down 我们在你生命的边缘将你铭记 | Townsman of a stiller town 整个城镇都是沉默的人们 | Smart lad, to slip betimes away 聪明的青年啊,你及时地陨落

Stone wanted a dry run of my ad presentation to the company, ASAP.|Stone:让我尽快演习一下 给那客户的广告

...and get that fondue set we can't live wi... | Stone wanted a dry run of my ad presentation to the company, ASAP.|Stone让我尽快演习一下 给那客户的广告 | So the kitchen was quickly converted into my m...

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest