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Develop a strategic business plan:制定战略业务规划

Articulate the aims, objectives and key aspects of a strategic business plan.明确... | Develop a strategic business plan制定战略业务规划. | Set up monitoring processes to track the success of the plan设...

Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode command:设置异步平衡模式命令

设置异步平衡模式命令 Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode command | (IRB)独立路由板 Independent Routing Boar... | (TU指针指示)静负荷帧头的偏移 (a TU pointer which indicates) the offset of the payload frame s...

Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode command:置异步平衡模式命令

置异步平衡模式命令 Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode command | (IRB)独立路由板 Independent Routing Board | (TU指针指示)静负荷帧头的偏移 (a TU pointer which indicates) the offset of the payload frame st...

for a lousy column inch of space:而对你自己却没有一点好处

You're gonna set off a shit storm for nothing,|你这篇报道会掀起一场严重的政治风波 | for a lousy column inch of space.|而对你自己却没有一点好处 | You're gonna have egg on your face.|你会惹上麻烦的

editorialize vi. To set forth one's opinion on some subject in an editorial:就某事发表社论

-a bewildering schedule of events 令人迷惑不解的行动计划 | editorialize vi. To set forth one's opinion on some subject in an editorial 就某事发表社论 | [词根] edit vt.

make a fuss over/of:对...过分体贴/关怀

31.make a fuss over/of 对...过分体贴/关怀 | 32.set free 释放 | 33.make a fortune 发财,致富

B: It's very kind of you:你真太好了

A: Yes. I often come here because of its quiet atmosphere.是呀,因为它气氛安静,所以我常到... | B: It's very kind of you.你真太好了. | 6. What if I set up a meeting for tomorrow afternoon?明天下午见个面...

projective algebraic set:射影代数集

射影簇的维数|dimension of a projective variety | 射影代数集|projective algebraic set | 射影等价|projective equivalence

set fire to:放火烧

play a part in起作用;扮演...角色 | set fire to放火烧 | take hold of握住

And,of course,in 64 A.D.Nero fiddled while Rome burned:当然在公元64年,当罗马 城正大火燃烧时,尼罗却 还在拉提琴呢

[11:04.91]Moscow was set on fire du... | [11:12.78]And,of course,in 64 A.D.Nero fiddled while Rome burned! ;当然在公元64年,当罗马 城正大火燃烧时,尼罗却 还在拉提琴呢. | [11:20.32]Even today,in spite of ...

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest