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set up a social security system and public services system:建立社会保障体系和公共服务体系

合理收入分配 rationalize income distribution | 建立社会保障体系和公共服务体系 set up a social security system and public services system | 提高全民素质 raise the quality of the whole people

In remembrance of the battle, we set up a museum:为纪念那次战役, 我们建立了一座博物馆

I have nothing to say in relation to that ma... | In remembrance of the battle, we set up a museum.^为纪念那次战役, 我们建立了一座博物馆. | In reply to your inquiry, we have sent you our latest price ...

make up one's mind to do,set one's mind to do:下决心干某事

类似的还有:plan to do = make a plan to do, promise to do = make a promise to do | 79、下决心干某事:make up one's mind to do,set one's mind to do | 80、中国的很多地方:much of China,many places of China

Develop a relaxing and confident mind-set on the morning of interview:知彼自信原则

1. Prepare for an upcoming interview. 准备原则 | 3. Develop a relaxing and confident mind-set on the morning of interview. 知彼自信原则 | 4. Be alert while waiting in the reception area. 谨慎原则

isolate vt. set apart;cut off from others:使隔离;使孤立

locality n. a particular place; the position of sth.地点,位置 | isolate vt. set apart;cut off from others 使隔离;使孤立 | mode n. a manner,way or method of doing sth.方式,模式,样式

Make oneself enemy of, set or pit oneself against, oppose oneself to, challenge:树敌,以...为敌

曙光初露的新世纪 The light of early dawn of the new... | 树敌,以...为敌 Make oneself enemy of, set or pit oneself against, oppose oneself to, challenge | 树立企业良好形象 Foster a good and healthy comp...

e.g.: set a limit to the number of passengers:限制乘客的人数

42. limit to 对...的限制 | e.g.: set a limit to the number of passengers限制乘客的人数 | 43. resistance to 抵抗...,抵制...

Biggest bunch of misfits I ever set eyes on:一群我所见到的最不称职的家伙

Now, I remember... I remember when I first met you all.|现在 我想起来了 我想... | Biggest bunch of misfits I ever set eyes on.|一群我所见到的最不称职的家伙 | Suppose you remind me of meself a little.|不...

Well, then why're you dead-set on... Can I ask you a question:嗯 那你为啥对她发动猛攻... 能问个问题吗

Great. She's a free agent. What do I care?|很... | Well, then why're you dead-set on... Can I ask you a question?|嗯 那你为啥对她发动猛攻... 能问个问题吗? | You may. What's the point of sitting on the f...

Regatta of sailboats and steamships set against a dusty blue base:帆船赛的帆船和轮船一套对尘土飞扬的蓝色基地

Duvet cover for Twin beds; includes one qui... | Regatta of sailboats and steamships set against a dusty blue base帆船赛的帆船和轮船一套对尘土飞扬的蓝色基地 | Made from 100 percent cotton percale; 180-...

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest