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located: placed or set up in a given area of choice:(位于,置于)

2. located: placed or set up in a given area of choice (位于,置于). | 3. convenient: useful, near at hand (方便的). | 4. cement patio: a flat area paved with concrete (铺了水泥的后院).

I'm going to A.C.,And I'm winning a dinette set:[我要去亚特兰大 我要赢取一套小餐桌]

I don't wanna stay at some lame manhattan hotel. [我不想待在曼哈顿... | I'm going to A.C.,And I'm winning a dinette set. [我要去亚特兰大 我要赢取一套小餐桌] | that wasn't much of an invitation. [那可不是...

All for the love that set your heart in a whirl:全是為了讓你心靈陷入混亂的愛

And it's all for the love of a dear little girl 而它全是為了一個親愛的... | All for the love that set your heart in a whirl 全是為了讓你心靈陷入混亂的愛 | I'm a man who give his life 我是一個曾經擁有自...

He set up a new record:创造

(2)Let's set up the tent first and build the fire later.竖起来,立起来,支... | (3)He set up a new record.创造 | (4)The film was set in Califoruia in the middle of the nineteenth century.以...为背景,故事...

a swan song to America before Chaplin set sail:卓别林远行之前留给美国的作别歌曲

a withering saga of mystery unveiled,|一段可歌可泣的浪漫传说... | a swan song to America before Chaplin set sail|卓别林远行之前留给美国的作别歌曲 | or the children of dawn in crazy duress|属于黄昏的孩子...

public petitions:公共请愿委员会

a set of rules and procedures called the Standing Orders一套称为议事程序的规则和程序 | public petitions公共请愿委员会 | mandatory committees 强制性委员会

Excuse me. Two men with symmetric black suits and earpieces:等等 两个穿同样黑西装还带着无线耳机的人

I'll need a set of eyes inside.|几个人去里面盯着 | Excuse me. Two men with symmetric black suits and earpieces?|等等 两个穿同样黑西装还带着无线耳机的人? | They're hardly disguised.|这算什么伪装

在失物招领柜里(Lost and Found Office 失物招领处):in the lost and found case

9. a set of--- 一套、一副、一串--- | 10. in the lost and found case 在失物招领柜里(Lost and Found Office 失物招领处) | 11. in English 用英语表达

King Wei of Qi Set a Large Pot:肆叁

肆贰. King Mu of Qin Did Not Hurt People Who Ate His Horse | 肆叁. King Wei of Qi Set a Large Pot | 肆肆. The Duke of Xue Presented Jade Earrings

Although, you know, this is part of a salt-and-pepper set:但这只是调味瓶组的 一部份

Okay, I'll just wait for Chandler to open up the rest o... | Although, you know, this is part of a salt-and-pepper set.|但这只是调味瓶组的 一部份 | It may just count as only half a present. What do you...

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest