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a set of...相关的网络解释

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category of sets:集范畴

集的核|nucleus of a set | 集范畴|category of sets | 集函数|set function

density of a distribution:分布密度

density function 密度函数 | density of a distribution 分布密度 | density of a set 集合的密度

He's set a new national record:他创造了一个新的全国记录

14. He's passed the trials. 他已通过选拔赛. | 15. He's set a new national record. 他创造了一个新的全国记录. | 16. He's still a lot of run in him after the race. 他赛跑以后还是精力充沛.

set about doing:着手开始做

8、 把...放在一边:set aside | 9、 着手开始做:set about doing | 10、此事至关重要:It is a matter of prime importance

Set aside for; taken up by:为...而设置;由...占据

slow of speech.就讲话来说很慢 | Set aside for; taken up by:为...而设置;由...占据: | a day of rest.休息日

Take a look at this:看看这个

But l did find something in a box of old books.|但是我在一盒子旧书中发现了些 | Take a look at this.|看看这个 | lt's a three-volume set of books about the supernatural.|这是一本关于超自然的一册的

indefinitely adv. without limit:无限地

immediate a. nearest in time, space or degree 最接近的 | indefinitely adv. without limit 无限地 | spectrum n. a set of bands of colored light in the order of their wavelength 光谱

And a firm and stern-set chin:以及一股坚定而严肃的闯劲

It takes a deal of striving, 是需要多多力争, | And a firm and stern-set chin, 以及一股坚定而严肃的闯劲, | If I really want to win. 倘若我真的想取胜.

a win by 5 pts on the board i.e. without komi:盘面5目胜

显示手数match with set number of moves | 盘面5目胜a win by 5 pts on the board i.e. without komi | 打吃后的吃子capturing after a series of ataris

Do you want a permanent wave or a cold wave:你是要电烫还是冷烫

13. What will you have, a perm or a set? 你要... | 14. Do you want a permanent wave or a cold wave? 你是要电烫还是冷烫? | 15. We have many kinds of permanent: regular, cold perm, straight perm and foam...

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest