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Problems of Atomics Dynamics:量子动力学

8 deliver a set of lectures 举办一系列讲座 | 9 Problems of Atomics Dynamics 量子动力学 | 10 imprint印刷厂

It is a real doddle:太简单了

Chance one's arm甩开胳膊大干一场 | It is a real doddle 太简单了 | a set of wheels 汽车

It's a real doddle:这太容易了

chance one's arm甩开膀子大干一场 | it's a real doddle这太容易了 | a set of wheels汽车(哈,这个说法还是第一次听到)

There was a man of God. - Not my god:上帝是存在的 - 我不信上帝

How dare you set foot in this holy place?|你们竟敢涉... | - There was a man of God. - Not my god!|- 上帝是存在的 - 我不信上帝! | - This one's dead. - By this smell, they are all dead.|- 这个人死了 - 这...

A state of mind:心境

旁观者an outsider | 心境a state of mind | 心态mind-set

This show has no plot but a lot of sexploitation:这个剧没有什么情节,只有许多性爱场面

5 I feel like we've been set up. 我感觉我们中了圈套. (或者被出卖... | 6 This show has no plot but a lot of sexploitation. 这个剧没有什么情节,只有许多性爱场面. | 7 Let's shake on it. 定了!让我们握手成交...

stand a chance of doing:有可能做

set...apart from 使......与......不同 | stand a chance of doing 有可能做 | stand to reason 合乎情理

A strategy area also teaches secrets to successful test-taking:战略领域也教导秘密,成功的试验以

Work with a set of dynamic flash cards to help ... | Game feedback enables learners to review and practic... | A strategy area also teaches secrets to successful test-taking战略领域也教导秘密,成功的试验以

He had a yellow streak in him:他胆小

My family owns a set of chinawares that has been used for donkey's years.我家有一套已经用了很多年的瓷器 | He had a yellow streak in him.他胆小 | A yellow dog 一个卑鄙可耻的人

the periodic table is more crooked than a case of scoliosis:这里的周期表比脊柱还要扭曲

Unfortunately, at St. Donovan's,|很不幸地 在... | the periodic table is more crooked than a case of scoliosis.|这里的周期表比脊柱还要扭曲 | Just give me the chance and I'll set it all straight.|但只要给...

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest