英语人>网络解释>What a mess. 相关的网络解释
What a mess.相关的网络解释

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与 What a mess. 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Don't track mud all over the house:不要把泥巴弄得屋子里到处都是

Time to clean up. 清洁时间到了. | Don't track mud all over the house. 不要把泥巴弄得屋子里到处都是. | What a mess you've made! 你弄得一团糟!

So, come on in:进来吧

- Samson? - What a mess!|- 萨姆森 - 看这里乱的! | So, come on in.|进来吧 | You know, it's not every day I invite good-looking men to my bedroom...|我平时可不带帅哥到我卧室的

mess about:胡闹,瞎搞,乱摆弄;无所事事,鬼混

What a mess! 真够脏乱的! | ①mess about 胡闹,瞎搞,乱摆弄;无所事事,鬼混 | eg: They mess about in the club most of the summer. 夏天的大部分时间他们都在俱乐部闲混.

They mess about in the club most of the summer:夏天的大部分时间他们都在俱乐部闲混

3. The party will be held in the officers' mess. 聚... | 4. They mess about in the club most of the summer. 夏天的大部分时间他们都在俱乐部闲混. | 5. What a mess! I cannot bring my girlfriend here. 好乱...

ring back later:晚一点再来电话

3 I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers.我用两个沾满面糊的手指捏起话筒. | 4 ring back later,晚一点再来电话. | 5 What a mess!真是糟糕透了,真狼狈.

Please water the plants:请(给植物)浇点水

Take care of my brother and sister. 帮我照看一下弟弟和妹妹啊. You bet. (放心吧. ) | Please water the plants.请给植物浇点水. | What a mess! *母亲看到孩子们的房间时常说的一句话.

Please water the plants:请(给植物)浇水

帮我照看一下弟弟和妹妹啊Take care of my brother and sister | 请(给植物)浇水 Please water the plants | 啊!怎么这么乱呀 What a mess

Please water the plants:给植物浇点水吧

62. 帮我照一下弟弟和妹妹啊 Take care of my brother and sister. | 63. 给植物浇点水吧 Please water the plants. | 64. 啊!怎么这么乱啊 What a mess!

Yes, please water the plants:(好吧,请帮我给花浇浇水. )

Can I help? (要我帮忙吗?) | Yes, please water the plants. (好吧,请帮我给花浇浇水. ) | What a mess! 啊!怎么这么乱呀! *母亲看到孩子们的房间时常说的一句话.

Yeah, I used to be such a mess. Mr Mood swing:我以前的生活一团糟 情绪不稳

- Before what? - Prozac.|-什么以前? -服药以前 | Yeah, I used to be such a mess. Mr Mood swing.|我以前的生活一团糟 情绪不稳, | It's a total lifesaver.|药物是我的救星

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What A Mess
What A Mess


在2000年大获成功的新人中,来自圣路易斯的饶舌歌手奈利(Nelly)的>5白金成绩最为耀眼. 命运之子合唱团(Destiny's Child)在今年内又以>(The writing's on the wall)也获得了600万张的销量.


electrolessplating 无电镀 化学镀 | electrolier 枝形电灯架 | electrolithotripsia 电碎石术

suction hose rope:吸水管绳

suction head 吸水头 | suction hose rope 吸水管绳 | suction hose strainer 吸水管过滤器