英语人>网络解释>Never mind. 相关的网络解释
Never mind.相关的网络解释

查询词典 Never mind.

与 Never mind. 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Children of Israel Are never alone:(以色列子民,從不會孤單)

Close every door to me. Keep those I love from me. (所有門都關上,我所愛... | Children of Israel Are never alone. (以色列子民,從不會孤單) | For we know we shall find Our own peace of mind (因知道會找到內...

I wanna make sure I never, ever miss out on a Halley's Comet:我绝对不能错过哈雷彗星

I got this cousin who saw one. He said it blew his mind.|... | I wanna make sure I never, ever miss out on a Halley's Comet.|我绝对不能错过哈雷彗星 | So if you guys know if there's gonna be one...|所以...

Never spiritually:(但是奋斗的精神永不灭)

Keep in mind eternally (永远记住) | you might be defeated physically (你的躯体可能会屈服) | Never spiritually. (但是奋斗的精神永不灭)

U can never turn the clock back:时光不能倒流

41、U can never turn the clock back.时光不能倒流. | 42、U should have a mind of your own.要有主见. | 43、God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助.

Uh huh. You mind:啊哈 不介意吧

I meant my parents. They don't listen to me either.|我是说我爸妈 他们根本不听我的 | Uh huh. You mind?|啊哈 不介意吧? | You know, I've never been inside the Pink Palace.|那个 我从没进去过那座Pink Pala...

Go watch the guard:去看好那个保安

- Which situation? - Never mind.|- 那种情况? - 不用你管 | Go watch the guard.|去看好那个保安 | Do you mind having a look at my gun first?|你介不介意先看下我的枪?

Beauty in things exists in the mind which 'contemplates them:事物的美存在于仔细观察者心目中

You will never have what you like until you learn to like w... | Beauty in things exists in the mind,which contemplates them.事物的美存在于仔细观察者心目中- | Experience teaches slowly,and at the cost ...

A contended mind is a perpetual feast:精神上的满足使人永远快乐. /知足常乐

Comparisons are odious.人比人,气死人. | A contended mind is a perpetual feast.精神上的满足使人永远快乐. /知足常乐. | The course of true love never did run smooth.纯真爱情的道路并不是平坦的,好事多磨...

where am I has been put out of my mind by such wonderings:已经忘了身在何处

看着我没停下的脚步 and my never ending steps | 已经忘了身在何处 where am I has been put out of my mind by such wonderings: | 谁能改变人生的长度 whoever has expand his longevity of his life span

e. Out of sight, out of mind:(眼不见,心不烦. )

d. Fish in troubled water.(混水摸雨. ) | e. Out of sight, out of mind.(眼不见,心不烦. ) | f. Misfortunes never come singly.(祸不单行. )

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Never Mind Me
It Never Entered My Mind
Never Mind
Never Mind
Never & Always On My Mind
It Never Entered My Mind
Never Mind I've Still Got My Rock'n'roll
Never Mind I've Still Got My Rock 'n' Roll (Reprise)
Never Mind
Never Mind

inexact reasoning:不精确推理

"不确切资料","inexact data" | "不精确推理","inexact reasoning" | "早期失效","infant mortality"

Greater Coucal:毛鸡

great tit 白脸山雀 | greater coucal 毛鸡 | greater hill mynah 海南八哥

Paralyze Field:<麻庳力场>

Mass Curse | Paralyze Field | Reveal