英语人>网络解释>N-phenylaniline 相关的网络解释

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与 N-phenylaniline 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

n whimper:呜咽

n murmur 喃喃地说,咕哝 | n whimper 呜咽; | n babble 呀呀学语,儿语

whimsy: n.1:怪念头,离奇的想法(东西) 2.心血来潮,随心所欲,异想天开

authenticity: n.可靠性,真实性 | whimsy: n.1.怪念头,离奇的想法(东西) 2.心血来潮,随心所欲,异想天开 | systems analysis: n.系统分析

n Wildebeest:牛羚

n Giraffe-长颈鹿 | n Wildebeest-牛羚 | n Eland-非洲大羚羊

WILMINGTON,NC:威明顿 N 二/三/四/六截

Tampa,FL 坦帕 N 二/三/四/六截 | Washington,DC 华盛顿 N 二/三/四/六截 | Wilmington,NC 威明顿 N 二/三/四/六截

n Win over cynics:争取玩世不恭者

n Speak with power 说话有力 | n Win over cynics 争取玩世不恭者 | n Prepare for change 为变化做好准备

n Lady Windermere's Fan:温德米尔夫人的扇子

n The Picture of Dorian Gray多利安.格雷的画像 | n Lady Windermere's Fan温德米尔夫人的扇子 | n A Woman of No Importance一个无足轻重的女人

n Window-ledge:窗台

n What's on? 上演什么电视节目或影片 | n Window-ledge 窗台(window-sill) | n Windscreen wiper 刮水器

windsurf n.m:风帆冲浪板

whisky n.m. 威士忌 | windsurf n.m. 风帆冲浪板 | yaourt n.m. 酸奶

windsurf n.m:风帆冲浪板 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网

whisky n.m. 威士忌 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网 | windsurf n.m. 风帆冲浪板 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网 | yaourt n.m. 酸奶 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网

免除惩罚 <with impunity 不受:impunity n. exemption from punishment, penalty

insider trading n.(股市的)内部交易 | impunity n. exemption from punishment, penalty 免除惩罚 <with impunity 不受 | senator n. 参议员

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Play'n And Laugh'n
These 'n' That 'n' Those
Mah Nà Mah Nà
Thug N U Thug N Me
Rock 'n' Roll, Rock 'n' Roll
Gone N' Done N' Did It
Rock 'n' Roll 'n' You
You N Me N Everyone We Know

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制