英语人>网络解释>N-phenylaniline 相关的网络解释

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与 N-phenylaniline 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

innocence: n.1:清白,无罪 2.天真,单纯 3.无知,幼稚

tact: n.1.(古)触觉 2.老练,机智,圆滑,得体 | innocence: n.1.清白,无罪 2.天真,单纯 3.无知,幼稚 | raciness: n.1.保持原来的美味(香味) 2.活泼,充满活力

innocence: n.1:清白, 无罪 2.单纯, 幼稚

fingerprint n. a mark made by fingers when pressed on a surface 指纹 | innocence n. 1.清白, 无罪 2.单纯, 幼稚 | guilt n. 犯罪, 有罪

intervene n.1:干涉,干预 2.干扰,阻挠

tariff n.1.关税,税率 2.价目表,收费表 | intervene n.1.干涉,干预 2.干扰,阻挠 | intervention n.介入,干涉,干预

获得 intoxicate v.陶醉,得意忘形:acquisition n

outlandish adj.稀奇古怪的 concoction n.调制品 | acquisition n.获得 intoxicate v.陶醉,得意忘形 | cosmetic n.化妆品 blank adj.无表情的,茫然的

Intranet n.m:内联网

因特网Internet n.m | 内联网Intranet n.m | 外联网Extranet n.m

intrigue: n.1:阴谋,诡计,密谋,谋划 2.私通 3.复杂的情节,吸引力

culpability: n.犯错误,犯法,犯罪 | intrigue: n.1.阴谋,诡计,密谋,谋划 2.私通 3.复杂的情节,吸引力 | reproof: n.1.责备;指摘;申斥 2.责备之词

n. irregulars:等外品,有小缺陷的商品

n. invoice 发票 | n. irregulars 等外品,有小缺陷的商品 | n. item 项目;条款;一则(新闻等);商品

irresolution n.: indecision:踌躇不决

30. adversary n.: enemy: unfriendly opponent. 敌人;敌手. | 31. irresolution n.: indecision. 踌躇不决. | 32. inaction n.: idleness. 闲散无为.

n The Isle of Wight College:怀特岛学院

? n Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine 帝国理工学院(伦敦大学) | n The Isle of Wight College 怀特岛学院 | n The University of Kent at Canterbury 肯特大学

n City and Islington College:城市和伊斯林顿学院

n City of Bristol College 布里斯托尔城市学院 | n City and Islington College 城市和伊斯林顿学院 | n City College Manchester 曼彻斯特城市学院

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Play'n And Laugh'n
These 'n' That 'n' Those
Mah Nà Mah Nà
Thug N U Thug N Me
Rock 'n' Roll, Rock 'n' Roll
Gone N' Done N' Did It
Rock 'n' Roll 'n' You
You N Me N Everyone We Know

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制