英语人>网络解释>Gay 相关的网络解释
与 Gay 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


gay 欢迎的 | gay-pay-oo 格别乌 | gayal 大额牛

gay-rights activists:同性恋人权斗士

同志刊物 gay newsletter | 同性恋人权斗士 gay-rights activists | 加萨地带 Gaza Strip

Gay Gay:男同性戀

Frog Frog 青蛙 | Gay Gay 男同性戀 | Gender Gender 性別

Gay Gay:同性恋 -同性恋

You're totally busted.|你彻底输了 | -gay. -gay.|-同性恋 -同性恋 | You're gay.|你们才是同性恋

Gay Gay:(高兴的)

Frank--frank(坦白的) | Gay--gay(高兴的) | Jack--jack(男人,年轻人,杂工,水手)

orientation.gay Gay:同性戀

December December 十二月 | orientation.gay Gay 同性戀 | orientation.bi Bi 兩性的

My gay boyfriend outed me at work, then I outed him:麦克斯出卖我 然后我也出卖他

Gay boyfriends are the loophole of monogamy.|同性恋男友 是一夫... | My gay boyfriend outed me at work, then I outed him.|麦克斯出卖我 然后我也出卖他 | Even my gay relationships are dysfunctional.|我连和...

Gay-Lussac law:盖-吕萨克定律,查理定律

gay lussac's law ==> 盖吕萨克定律 | Gay-Lussac law ==> 盖-吕萨克定律,查理定律 | Gay-Lussac tower ==> 盖氏塔

Why are antiques gay? Because|I like old things that are kitschy:为什么是古董?因为我喜欢旧东西,看上去有艺术气息

- That's gay.- Why is that gay?|那些家伙,什么是那些家伙? | Why are antiques gay? Because|I like old things that are kitschy?|为什么是古董?因为我喜欢旧东西,看上去有艺术气息 | I'm Beowulf!|我是Beowulf

The World Gay Rodeo Finals" 2010, presented by the International Gay Rodeo Association:世界同性恋牛仔竞技总决赛" 到2010年,由国际同性恋牛仔竞技协会

City and Venue proposal for城... | "The World Gay Rodeo Finals" 2010, presented by the International Gay Rodeo Association "世界同性恋牛仔竞技总决赛" 到2010年,由国际同性恋牛仔竞技协会 | Opening Date:开...

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Gay Robot
Lady Gay
I'm Gay
It's Gay
Enola Gay
Gay Bar
Gay Bar Part Two
He's So Gay
You Made Me Gay
Malchik Gay (Gay Boy)

weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory