英语人>网络解释>Because 相关的网络解释

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与 Because 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

we're all in for trouble:我们都会吃不消的 He's quiet now. 他现在很安静

and if he talks as loudly as he cries, 如果他说话... | we're all in for trouble. 我们都会吃不消的 He's quiet now. 他现在很安静. | Mmm-hmm. That's because he's sleeping. 嗯. 那是因为他睡亮恕 He's reall...

i said this only in joke:我说这话只是开个玩笑

stop jesting with me because i am busy!别跟我开玩笑了,我很忙! | i said this only in joke!我说这话只是开个玩笑! | i'm no judge in such matters.我对这些是外行.

In no circumstances should we be conceited:我们绝不应该骄傲自满

He didn't go there by bus. 他不是乘公共汽车去的. | I don't teach because teaching is easy for me. 我之所以教书,并不是因为教书容易... | In no circumstances should we be conceited.我们绝不应该骄傲自满.

In some cases,|yes, it's possible:在某些情况下,的确是有可能的

Can that change with age? Because|that's what they're gonna say.... | In some cases,|yes, it's possible.|在某些情况下,的确是有可能的 | But the tissue between Walter's|teeth prevents that from happening...

in the center of town. They're all shopping at the new mall:在市的中心.他们都在 新的购物中心购物

[34:19.54]They're upset because there aren't many people shop... | [34:24.88]in the center of town. They're all shopping at the new mall. ;在市的中心.他们都在 新的购物中心购物. | [34:38.35]JANE'S APART...

in the midst of death:因为 我亲爱的 在通往死亡之旅中 我们还活着

the day that we're putting Bart in the ground?|在我们安葬Bart的那天去渡假? | Because, my dear, in the midst of death, we are in life.|因为 我亲爱的 在通往死亡之旅中 我们还活着 | Genius.|你真是天才

in the right area:根本就不对

Which explained nothing because it wasn't even|这什么也解释不了 因为手术的位置 | in the right area.|根本就不对 | It's not the surgery.|不关手术的事

in the strictest sense of the law, legal, but you do them:不是很符合法规要求的事 但是你得去做

...you gotta do a lot of things sometimes that are... | ...in the strictest sense of the law, legal, but you do them...|不是很符合法规要求的事 但是你得去做 | ...because they're in the greater interests...

Great.Just in time for brunch:太好了 正赶上早午餐会

Yes, I would love to do both, but food first, because I'm starving.|好 两样都要 但先吃吧 我饿死了 | Great.Just in time for brunch.|太好了 正赶上早午餐会 | Mom.|妈

Keep in touch:(保持联系. )

1、我将信守诺言,按时完成任务(keep word) 2、他没有邀请我产假他的生日晚会,这伤了我的感情(hurt) 3、我和我的笔友通过电子邮件,彼此保持联系(keep in touch) 4、前天她因病没去上班(because of) 5、他们已经决定把运动会推迟到下周二(p

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Because I Got High
Because I Got High (Radio Edit)
Because Of The Shame
Because You Loved Me
Amazing Because It Is
Amazing Because It Is (Full Version)
Because Of U (Band-Rehearsal Around)
Because We Believe
Ama Credi E Vai (Because We Believe)


unrounded 非圆唇的 | unruffled 不混乱的 | unruffled 不骚动的

take the size of:量...啲大小(尺寸)

单程票 single ticket | 量...啲大小(尺寸) take the size of | 偷偷塞给某人一张纸条 slip a note into one's hand

Regional conventions:区域*公约

危险废物运输的事先通告 Prior notification for hazardous waste transport | 区域*公约 Regional conventions | 技术转让 Technology transfer