英语人>网络解释>Because 相关的网络解释

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与 Because 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

so at peace:如此平和

...but her face is so serene...|不过她的脸如此安详 | ...so at peace.|如此平和 | And I think it's because when she died...|我想那是因为她死的时候

At a retail store:在零售商店. 祝大家天天快乐

7. Smiles. Because there's a mile between the letter 's'.微笑. 因为两个字母... | 8. To get away from all those who are trying to kill it.为的是甩掉所有... | 9. At a retail store.在零售商店. 祝大家天天快乐!

at the hands of the Punisher:我们都损失惨重

Now we've all suffered the loss...|现在 由于惩罚者的缘故... | ... at the hands of the Punisher.|... 我们都损失惨重 | And because we don't look like everybody else;|因为我们看起来和别人不同

Jane Goodall dropped out at the last minute:珍.古道尔最后不能来了

- Oh, come on. - Just Siegfried?|-再猜 -就齐格弗里德一个人? | Jane Goodall dropped out at the last minute|珍.古道尔最后不能来了 | because she's nursing a sick chimp|她要照顾一个生病的黑猩猩

It's really beautiful at this time of year:一年中的这个时候颐和园是非常美的

Because we are thinking of going to the Summer Palace. 我们正在考虑去... | It's really beautiful at this time of year. 一年中的这个时候颐和园是非常美的. | Would you like to come with us? 你愿意和我们一...

At this:赢这种事

Because you're on my team. My team always wins.|因为你跟我同一队 我这一队总是赢 | At this?|赢这种事? | Just go get some! Go!|总之去吓她,快去

She works as an au pair girl:她当了名"互裨"姑娘

[02:19.43]Gretel has come to England because she wants to im... | [02:24.90]She works as an au pair girl. ;她当了名"互裨"姑娘, | [02:27.70]She helps Mrs Clark in the house and attends English classes r...

Strictures against bribe awed their behaviour:对受贿行为的抨击震慑了他们的行为

1171.I think football is much more strenuous than b... | 1172.Strictures against bribe awed their behaviour.对受贿行为的抨击震慑了他们的行为. | 1173.The total was wrong because I have transposed two n...

But to avoid awkwardness:但你说避免尴尬啊

You cannot have mistaken my sincerity.|你不应该... | But to avoid awkwardness?|但你说避免尴尬啊 | I have not spoken to you because i am aware that my feelings for you are hopeless.|我不跟你说话,是因为我...


because that fellow had to hold up all his long hair behind his head?|因为条子必须把他后面的长发拉高? | Aye.|对 | That's an arm.|那是手臂

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Because I Got High
Because I Got High (Radio Edit)
Because Of The Shame
Because You Loved Me
Amazing Because It Is
Amazing Because It Is (Full Version)
Because Of U (Band-Rehearsal Around)
Because We Believe
Ama Credi E Vai (Because We Believe)


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,