英语人>网络解释>Because 相关的网络解释

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与 Because 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But those hearts should not be so quickly gladdened because:但是他们不该高兴的这么早

316 00:23:25,490 --> 00:23:29,620 是很... | 317 00:23:29,919 --> 00:23:35,620 但是他们不该高兴的这么早 But those hearts should not be so quickly gladdened because | 318 00:23:35,840 --> 00:23:41,380 即使...

because she's grossed out by semen:没错 我信 因为她对精液反感

And you believe that?|你竟然相信了? | Uh, yeah, I do believe that, because she's grossed out by semen.|没错 我信 因为她对精液反感 | That'll be 32.50.|一共是 32.50.

Uh, yeah, I do believe that, because she's grossed out by semen:没错 我信 因为她对精液反感

And you believe that?|你竟然相信了? | Uh, yeah, I do believe that, because she's grossed out by semen.|没错 我信 因为她对精液反感 | That'll be 32.50.|一共是 32.50.

because we're honeymooning in Europe! Yea:因为我们正在欧洲渡蜜月哪

and we can't come to the phone right now...|我们无法接到您... | because we're honeymooning in Europe! Yea!|因为我们正在欧洲渡蜜月哪! | or we won't call you back... I'm serious.|我们就不会给你回电话,我是...

Because he's implicating you more and more into his crime:因为他正在牵着你的鼻子走

It's weird but it makes sense, Stan.|斯坦,说来奇怪,但实际... | Because he's implicating you more and more into his crime.|因为他正在牵着你的鼻子走 | I mean, you're already his patron.|就是说,你已经成了...

I implored him because I knew you was coming this a.m:我恳求他因我知你今早会到来

What happened to now?|现在不行吗? | I implored him because I knew you was coming this a.m.|我恳求他因我知你今早会到来 | Bullshit.|胡说

I'm inconveniencing you because you inconvenienced me:你不给我好过 我就不给你好过

'Cause the telephone--|因为电话... | I'm inconveniencing you because you inconvenienced me.|你不给我好过 我就不给你好过 | - When was the last time you showered? - Scent of a man...|- 你多久没洗澡了? - 这...

because their DNA incorporates:因为他们的DNA包罗万象

We call these noble beings the Encyclopods,|我们管这些人叫圣人 | because their DNA incorporates|因为他们的DNA包罗万象 | the DNA of every endangered species they encountered,|包含了所有身处危险物种的D...

It's only because you're lamer than I am:我没有一枪崩了你

Don't be telling me how to do this, Maconel.|不要对我指手画脚 麦当孬 | It's only because you're lamer than I am,|我没有一枪崩了你 | I haven't blown you away at this point.|仅仅是因为你混得比我还惨

Because lsland Limos is more than just a ride:因为豪华车公司,不光是提供交通

Why not?|为什么不? | Because lsland Limos is more than just a ride.|因为豪华车公司,不光是提供交通 | It's like a club experience. Cool groove.|还得提供夜总会般的气氛,很酷的经历

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Because I Got High
Because I Got High (Radio Edit)
Because Of The Shame
Because You Loved Me
Amazing Because It Is
Amazing Because It Is (Full Version)
Because Of U (Band-Rehearsal Around)
Because We Believe
Ama Credi E Vai (Because We Believe)


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,