英语人>网络解释>Because 相关的网络解释

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与 Because 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The system puts the firm at a disadvantage because of its overmuch manpower:由于过剩的人力, 这一体制使公司处境不利

I associated with him in business.^我... | The system puts the firm at a disadvantage because of its overmuch manpower.^由于过剩的人力, 这一体制使公司处境不利. | These goods will be sold at a discount....

Because the rainy day makes me oversensitive:阴惨惨阴雨痛心伤

乌咽咽奴是多愁女 With tears I can't help being so sentimental | 阴惨惨阴雨痛心伤 Because the rainy day makes me oversensitive | 薄悠悠一件罗纱衫 With only a thin yarn dress on me

Because of your gentle paleness and lack of know-how:因为你长得弱不禁风 又呆头呆脑的

My size and knowledge base actually makes me older than ... | Because of your gentle paleness and lack of know-how.|因为你长得弱不禁风 又呆头呆脑的 | I convinced you to build two-wheeled death machines...

Because, you see, Dylan wrote that originally for that Peckinpah movie:因为,你知道吗 达林原本是为了派金帕的电影写了这首歌

But we would've.|还是会有这首歌 | Because, you see, Dylan wrote that originally for that Peckinpah movie|因为,你知道吗 达林原本是为了派金帕的电影写了这首歌 | with James Coburn.|还有詹姆斯.柯本

He smokes because of the peer pressure:他因为同侪压力的关系而抽烟

Are you a lefty? 你是左撇子吗? | He smokes because of the peer pressure. 他因为同侪压力的关系而抽烟. | I just had a super-duper meal in the resturant. 我刚刚在餐厅吃了一顿超级大餐.

Maybe because the last one was made by Pepperidge Farm:对,大概是因为上一条 是饼干公司做的吧

He's feistier than the last one.|它... | Maybe because the last one was made by Pepperidge Farm.|对,大概是因为上一条 是饼干公司做的吧 | Eddie, isn't there something you're supposed to be doing now?|艾迪...

I think this is because of the speech. - God, don't try and pick me apart:我想是因为演讲 - 上帝,别把我五马分尸

I don't think that's why you're asking.|我觉得这... | - I think this is because of the speech. - God, don't try and pick me apart.|- 我想是因为演讲 - 上帝,别把我五马分尸 | Then why are you asking?|那你为...

because you and your partner may have spectacle out of picking him up:就因为你们大张旗鼓地把他抓进来

Bullshit, Stevie. He's scared out of his mi... | because you and your partner may have spectacle out of picking him up.|就因为你们大张旗鼓地把他抓进来 | Now everyone in Central City knows he's in here....

Yeah, because it is slim pickings:是啊,因为他俩真是龙配龙、凤配凤啊

they'll realize how good they are for each other.|他们就会发现彼此是多... | Yeah, because it is slim pickings.|是啊,因为他俩真是龙配龙、凤配凤啊 | I had this date last night. Yuck!|我昨晚约会的女生遭透了...

Because I can plant trees:因为我可以种树

4. Why do you like spring?你为什么喜欢春天? | Because I can plant trees.因为我可以种树. | 5. What's the weather like in spring ?春天的天气怎样?

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Because I Got High
Because I Got High (Radio Edit)
Because Of The Shame
Because You Loved Me
Amazing Because It Is
Amazing Because It Is (Full Version)
Because Of U (Band-Rehearsal Around)
Because We Believe
Ama Credi E Vai (Because We Believe)

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)