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与 Augustus 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Artemas "whole, sound:亚提马 阿尔特玛

21 Aristobulus a good counselor 亚利多布 阿黎斯托步罗 | 22 Artemas "whole, sound" 亚提马 阿尔特玛 | 23 Augustus "increased, augmented" 奥古斯都 奥古斯都

Asher:希伯来语 幸运的,快乐的

28.Armand 德语 属于军队的 | 29.Asher 希伯来语 幸运的,快乐的 | 30.August Augustus 拉丁语 被尊敬的,尊贵的

Caesar Augustus:该撒亚古士督:和人口登记

牐燙alcol甲各(智慧人)353 | 牐燙aesar Augustus该撒亚古士督:和人口登记517 | 牐燙aesar,Julius犹流该撒158

Augustus Pye:奥古斯都?派伊(实习治疗师)

76. 希伯克拉特?斯梅绥克(主治疗师) Hippocrates Smethwyck | 77. 奥古斯都?派伊(实习治疗师) Augustus Pye | 78. 厄克特?拉哈罗(掏肠咒发明者) Urquhart Rackharrow

Augustus Pye:奥古斯都.派伊

希伯克拉特.斯梅绥克 Hippocrates Smethwyck | 奥古斯都.派伊 Augustus Pye | 厄克特.拉哈罗 Urquhart Rackharrow

August Augustus:拉丁语 被尊敬的,尊贵的

29.Asher 希伯来语 幸运的,快乐的 | 30.August Augustus 拉丁语 被尊敬的,尊贵的 | 1.Baldwin 日耳曼语 勇敢的朋友

The great big, greedy nincompoop:那个贪吃的大傻瓜

Augustus Gloop, Augustus Gloop|奥古塔斯格卢普 | The great big, greedy nincompoop|那个贪吃的大傻瓜 | Augustus Gloop, so big and vile So greedy, foul and infantile|奥古塔斯格卢普,又肥又皮 贪婪、可恶又幼...

Rivinus, Augustus Quirinus:里维纳斯

"里博","Ribot, Alexandre" | "里维纳斯","Rivinus, Augustus Quirinus" | "亚力哥尼","Arrigoni, Giulio"

Can you imagine Augustus-flavored, chocolate-coated Gloop:你能想像... 奥古塔斯口味的巧克力糖吗

No. I wouldn't allow it. The taste would be terrible.|不行,我绝对不允许... | Can you imagine Augustus-flavored, chocolate-coated Gloop?|你能想像... 奥古塔斯口味的巧克力糖吗? | No one would buy it.|没人会...

Philip Wiegratz .... Augustus Gloop:菲利普.韦格拉茨

乔丹.弗莱 Jordan Fry .... Mike Teavee | 菲利普.韦格拉茨 Philip Wiegratz .... Augustus Gloop | 丽兹.史密斯 Liz Smith .... Grandma Georgina

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reliability reassignment:可靠性再分配

reliability program for system 系统可靠性规划 | reliability reassignment 可靠性再分配 | reliability report 可靠性报告

Lots and lots of gum-gum:(很多很多的糖糖)

Yes, I did, fathead.(是的,傻瓜) | Lots and lots of gum-gum.(很多很多的糖糖) | 轉載至奇摩知識+的MAC


multiple-order 多级 | multiple-orificevalve 多孔板阀 | multiple-pass 多程